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《灵界经历》 第3261节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3261

3261. The reason the spirits of Mercury have as a law that they may tell no one the things they know, but bring up things opposite, or strange, or change them-the reason is, so that they will not tell other spirits something that cannot be of use to them. For the Lord Himself sows the thoughts that are suited to them, so if the spirits of Mercury, who wander around, imparted [anything], then the reformation of other spirits would be more difficult. For this reason also the spirits of Mercury shun those who are especially pleased with the memory of details obtained by the senses, for the spirits of our earth bewail their loss of the memory of personal matters. 1748, 22 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3261

3261. (The reason that the spirits of Mercury have as a law, not to say to anyone what they know, but present opposite [and] foreign [subjects], or change [the subjects], the reason is, that they may not say to other spirits what cannot be of any use to them, for the Lord Himself inseminates knowledges that suit: so that if the spirits of Mercury who wander about, should insinuate [anything], then the reformation of other spirits would be more difficult. Wherefore the spirits of Mercury also fly from them, who are particularly pleased with the memory of particulars; for the spirits of our earth lament that they have lost the memory of particulars. -l748, September 22).

Experientiae Spirituales 3261 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3261. Causa quod spiritus Mercurii pro lege habeant, ut nemini dicant quae sciunt, sed opposita, et aliena objiciant seu immutent--causa 1

est, ne dicant aliis spiritibus, quibus id non usui potest esse, nam Dominus Ipse inseminat cogitationes, quae iis conveniunt, ita si spiritus Mercurii insinuarent, qui circumvagantur, tunc reformatio aliorum spirituum foret difficilior, quare etiam spiritus Mercurii fugiunt eos, quibus memoria particularium sensualium perplacet, nam spiritus nostri telluris lamentantur quod amiserint memoriam particularium. 1748, 22 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has immutant (sic!), causa

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