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《灵界经历》 第3267节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3267

3267. About the inhabitants of a certain other world or universe in the starry heaven 1

There was a volume, as it were, of spirits, not as compact as the volume of other spirits [3233], thus more or less separated, and quite stretched out in breadth and length, of which I became aware in the earth beneath me. From this I recognized that it was a certain race of spirits unknown to me. This volume was trying to struggle upwards, thus to come hither, but it was unable, or those spirits were unable. There ever appeared to be some earthen obstacle so that they could not struggle out. So I realized they had a different nature, not compatible with the nature of the spirits of this earth, for right away there was something in the way. So


1. Probably meaning "solar system (see 3269)."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3267


(There was, as it were, a volume of spirits, not so continuous as a volume of other spirits, thus as it were separated [discrete], and quite extended in breadth and length; which was perceived in the earth under me. I thence recognized that it was a certain class [genus] of spirits unknown to me. This volume endeavored to struggle upwards, thus to come hither, but it could not, or those spirits could not. It continually appeared as if held by an object; so that they could not struggle up. It was thus perceived that they had a different nature which did not accord with the nature of spirits of this earth; for there was such an obstacle.

Experientiae Spirituales 3267 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3267. De incolis alius mundi seu universi cujusdam in coelo stellifero 1

Erat quasi volumen spirituum non ita continuum ut volumen spirituum aliorum [vide 3233], quasi sic discretum, et in latum et longum satis extensum, quod perceptum in terra, subter me; inde cognoscens quod spirituum quoddam genus mihi ignotum esset; volumen hoc conabatur sursum eniti, sic huc venire, sed non potuit seu spiritus ii non potuerunt, semper apparebat sicut objectum terreum; sic ut eniti non possent, ita perceptum quod alia natura eorum, quae non conveniret spirituum hujus telluris naturae, nam

(3268.) obstans sic, quare pergebant quasi extendendo sed usque pergendo aliunde, quaerens seu quaerentes ubinam possent eniti, sed aliquamdiu frustra (ob causam ut haberent 2

spiritus, quibus associarentur, sic ut potuissent ad me venire), tandem 3

versus Martis tellurem, et ibi ab uno latere inveniebant liberiorem enitendi locum, sed usque obscurum, quia nec tales ibi reperiuntur spiritus, modo quod usque conjungibiles quadam ratione.


1. post caput apparet manu B. Chastanier additum Vide infra n. 3296

2. The Manuscript has habeerent

3. The Manuscript has venire: tandem

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