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《灵界经历》 第327节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 327

327. To one who is in God the Messiah, nothing can be harmful

By plain experience, I have learned that the curse of the wicked, or the devil's curse and all his other devices, cannot in the least harm or touch those who are in the Hand of God the Messiah, that is, in God the Messiah.

This was shown me by a curse being read, and turned by devils into a display, with the intent of applying it to some devout person; but the power was granted to me to have the depiction of that curse turn around toward me. While others shuddered at it, it was even permitted to enter into my mouth and inner parts, because of the confidence that nothing of this kind, thus nothing of the devil's curse, can hurt or even touch those who are in God the Messiah.

Today also, obsessed by the devil's gang when he was practicing his cunning tricks upon me in vain, I was finally distanced from the incessant, combined curses that were being aimed at my heart. For several hours they kept coming, so aimed; but at the time I was really unable to feel the curses except by perceptible heart-palpitations, as well as by a certain feeling in the inward parts of my body arising from them. They even slipped into my thoughts their wish that I despair of life - as if they can achieve anything by that - but still nothing whatever can harm or even touch [me]. 1747, the 11th day of December. 1


1. The manuscript has "die 11 Dec." for this passages probably written on the 10th.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 327


I have learnt by manifest experience that the curse of the impious and of the devil, with his other artifices, cannot in the least injure or affect those who are in the hand of God Messiah, that is, who are in God Messiah. This was shown to me by the fact, that a curse was read and turned by the devils into a representation, with the intention of transferring it to someone pious. But the power was granted me of bringing the representation of that curse upon myself; although the others abhorred it, it was also permitted to enter even into my mouth and viscera, in the confidence that no such thing, thus that nothing of the devil's curse, can injure, still less affect those who are in God Messiah. Today I was also obsessed by the devil's crew, when they exercised their artifices in vain. At length, I was removed from the continued curses, combined and directed towards my heart, continued and directed in this manner for some hours, and then indeed I could not feel those curses, except by the sensible palpitations of my heart, and also by a certain affection of the interiors of the body thence arising, and likewise by an insinuation into my thoughts, that they wanted me to despair of my life, as though they could thence effect something; but still nothing can ever injure, still less affect. 1747, Dec. 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 327 (original Latin 1748-1764)

327. Qui in Deo Messia est, ei nihil damnabile esse potest

Per experientiam manifestam edoctus sum, quod maledictio 1

impiorum et diaboli, cum aliis ejus artificiis, ne minimum laedere aut afficere possit eos, qui in Manu Dei Messiae sunt, hoc est, in Deo Messia: quod ostensum mihi per id, quod maledictio lecta, et a diabolis in reprae sentationem versa, animo ut transferrent ad aliquem pium, sed mihi concessa est potentia ut maledictionis istius repraesentatio ad me rediret, quod cum alii abhorrerent, etiam usque in os meum et viscera 2

intrare permittebatur, ex fiducia, quod nihil tale, sic quod nihil ex maledictione diaboli nocere, minus afficere possit eos qui sunt in Deo Messia: hodie quoque a diaboli turba obsessus, quum incassum artificia sua exerceret, tandem remotus ex 3

continuis maledictionibus combinatis, et versus cor meum directis, per aliquot horas, ita continuatis et directis, et quidem tunc non sentire maledictiones potui, quam per palpitationes cordis sensibiles, et quandam etiam inde oriundam interioris corporis affectionem, tum etiam per insinuationem in cogitationes, quod vellent, ut desperarem de vita, quasi aliquid inde efficere possunt, sed usque nihil usque laedere potest minus afficere. 1747, die 11 4



1. The Manuscript has malidictio

2. The Manuscript has viscere ut videtur

3. The Manuscript has remotus, ex

4. sic manuscript

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