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《灵界经历》 第328节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

328.爱就是那使死人复活的力量。前面(300, 322节)说明,弥赛亚神对全人类的爱就是灵从坟墓中复活的唯一原因;因为它就像一种具有如此功效的拉力。它是一种提拉,我从活生生的经历,无论以前还是今天的,通过感觉头脑的一种提拉获知这一点;此外还有其它此处没有提及的事。(1747年12月10日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 328

328. Love is the very power that brings about the resurrection of the dead

It has been shown before [300, 322] that the Love of God the Messiah toward the whole human race is the sole cause of the resurrection of spirits from their graves, for there is a kind of drawing up by this power.

That there is a kind of drawing up, I have learned from actual experience, both previously and today, by feeling a kind of drawing up of my head; besides other things that this is not the place to bring up. 1747, the 10th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 328


It was before shown [nos. 300, 322 that the love of God Messiah towards the whole human race is the one only cause of the resurrection of spirits from the grave; for it is as it were a withdrawing of such efficacy. That it is a kind of withdrawing I have also learnt by living experience, both previously, and today by this, that I felt that there was a drawing away as it were of the head: besides other things, which are not mentioned here. 1747, Dec. 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 328 (original Latin 1748-1764)

328. Quod amor sit ipsa efficacia resurrectionis mortuorum

Prius ostensum est [300, 322], quod Amor Dei Messiae erga universum genus humanum, sit unica causa resurrectionis spirituum a sepulchris, nam est quasi subtractio talis efficaciae. 1

Quod subtractionis species sit, etiam a viva experientia edoctus sum, tam prius, quam hodie per eam, quod subtractionem quasi capitis sensi: praeter alia, quae hujus loci non sunt memorare 2

. 1747, die 10 Dec.


1. hic sequitur in the Manuscript: ut ea confirmarentur, etiam id expertus sum saipius, per solam vim cogitati[vam]

2. hoc est memoranda

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