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《灵界经历》 第3272节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3272

3272. I was investigating the nature of these spirits, for I had been wholly unaware that spirits could ever exist who do not linger at the nearest use of objects, but go on step by step to the ninth stage of progression; so the idea had to be grasped by an example.

One example was therefore given to me, namely, Why did I want to know this, or what use was it for me to know it? I at once then mentioned the use closest at hand, passing over the progressive uses to the nearest use or a sort of general one, but this they did not allow, saying that after that comes this use, which likewise progresses to their ninth one. The progression was also given, whereby I learned that it was a kind of multiplication of uses by each other, so to speak, until they arrived at their qualities and quantities, and came to rest there. I was also then given a living perception that they are of this character by a communication of their nature.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3272

3272. When exploration was made as to what is their nature, inasmuch as it was wholly unknown to me, that ever spirits could be given, who did not stop in the proximate use of objects, but proceeded from this use to the ninth degree of progression. Wherefore the idea is to be apprehended by means of examples; one example was also granted me; to wit, [they asked] why I wished to know it, or what was the use of my knowing it; then I immediately said, the proximate use; then passed over the progressing uses, to the proximate use, or a certain general [use]; but they did not admit this, saying that after that comes the use, which in like manner progresses to their ninth. The progression was also given; hence it was granted to know that there was, as it were, a sort of multiplication of uses in themselves, till they came to their qualities and quantities, and there rested. There was then also granted me by communication, a living perception of their nature, that they are of such a character.

Experientiae Spirituales 3272 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3272. Quum exploraretur quae eorum natura, quia prorsus incognitum mihi, quod dari usquam possent spiritus, qui non morarentur in usu objectorum proximo, sed progressive ab hoc usu in nono gradu progressionis--quare 1

per exemplum idea capienda--unum 2

exemplum mihi quoque datum est, nempe cur id scire vellem, seu quinam usus ut id scirem? tunc illico dixi usum proximum, tum pratereundo usus progredientes, ad usum proximum, seu communem quendam, sed hoc non admittebant, dicentes quod postea veniat is usus, qui similiter progreditur ad nonum eorum; data 3

quoque est progressio, inde scire datum quod species multiplicandi usus in se quasi esset, usque dum ad eorum qualitates et quantitates venirent, et ibi acquiescebant, perceptio viva quoque tunc data mihi, per communicationem eorum naturae, quod tales sint.


1. The Manuscript has progressionis; quare

2. The Manuscript has capienda, unum

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has datum

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