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《灵界经历》 第3271节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3271

3271. Now because they could not struggle out into the atmosphere of the spirits of this earth nor into that of other spirits, only into that of certain spirits of the planet Mars, and the spirits of Mercury in general are so far away and their nature is thus not compatible - and because they only want to know and recognize uses, and indeed, not only the uses nearest to the object but those farther away even to the ninth stage-therefore they could absolutely not harmonize with the spirits of our earth, who do not, except for angelic spirits, even care about the nearest use, unless they are uses that tend downwards, ending up in material, bodily and earthly things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3271

3271. (Also because they could not struggle forth into the atmosphere of the spirits of this earth, nor into [that] of others, only [into that] of certain [belonging to] the planet Mars; and because the spirits of Mercury in general [in communi] were thus removed; and therefore because their nature does not accord; besides that, they only wish to know and be acquainted with uses, yea not merely the uses next [proximate] to the object, but the more remote [ones], yea to the ninth advance [progressum]; wherefore they could not at all accord with the spirits of our earth, who, save only angelic spirits, do not care for even the proximate use, except for such uses as tend downwards, and terminate in material, corporeal and terrestrial things.

Experientiae Spirituales 3271 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3271. Tam ex eo quod non eniti potuerint in atmosphaeram spirituum hujus telluris, nec in aliorum, solum quorundam telluris Martis, et quod Mercurii spiritus in communi ita remoti sint, et 1

sic quod natura eorum non concordet, praeter ea {a} [ex eo], quod modo usus scire et nosse velint, et quidem non usus solum proximos objecto, sed remotiores, et quidem ad progressum nonum, nequaquam cum nostrae telluris spiritibus concordare potuerunt, qui ne quidem usum proximum curant, praeter spiritus angelicos, nisi 2

tales usus qui deorsum tendunt, et terminantur in materialibus, corporeis 3

et terrestribus.


1. The Manuscript has sint; et

2. The Manuscript has angelicos; nisi

3. The Manuscript has corporis

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