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《灵界经历》 第3274节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3274

3274. Meanwhile, while they are going toward the ninth use, they know the objects, together with their immediate use, or the nearest use removed from the object (for now they maintain that they care nothing about the object, only about the use of the object). Thus they know this use vaguely, advancing from it into ever greater clarity as they progress by stages, even to the ninth, which they think they see as clear, indeed as most clear, because that is their character.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3274

3274. Meantime, when they got to the ninth use, they then know objects, with the proximate use, or the proximate [next] use removed from the object [for they now wish that [it be said] they care nothing for the object [but] only for the use of the object): so that they know this [proximate] use obscurely, progressing thence more manifestly according to the degree of progression, up to the ninth [use], which they think they see clearly, yea, most clearly, because they are in [of] such a disposition.

Experientiae Spirituales 3274 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3274. Interea, cum ii ad usum nonum eunt, tunc sciunt objecta, cum proximo usu, seu proximum usum remotum ab objecto, (nam nunc volunt quod objectum nihil curent, modo usum objecti); ita 1

hunc usum sciunt obscure, progredientes inde secundum gradus progressionis manifestius, usque ad nonum, quem videre se putant clarum imo clarissimum, quia in tali indole sunt.


1. The Manuscript has objecti; ita

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