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《灵界经历》 第3275节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3275

3275. I also saw a man a little to the right somewhat higher up, but only as a kind of graceful cloud, not facing toward me-only the left [cheek] toward me, which showed me a long, gray beard, well groomed. So he was an old man. And when I told them I had seen an inhabitant of theirs as just described, they said they are old people, and that there are such on their earth. They were pleased that he was seen toward the right side there, not toward the left, if toward the left it would be a sign of uses that are not good.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3275

3275. I also saw a man, a little to the right, a little above; but only as a sort of graceful cloud; he did not turn his face to me, only the left [side of it]. I thus saw a grayish beard, long [and] quite becoming - so [that he seemed] old; and when I told them that I had seen one of their inhabitants, and indeed of such an appearance, they said that they are old, and are such, in their earth. Satisfied that he was seen on the right, there, [and] not on the left. On the left would be a sign of uses [that were] not good.

Experientiae Spirituales 3275 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3275. Visus mihi quoque est homo ad dextrum paulo superius paulum, sed modo ut quaedam nubes gracilis, faciem non ad me vertens, modo sinistrum, et ita barba visa grisea, longa, satis decens, ita vetustus, cumque iis dicerem quod visus eorum incola et quidem talis, dicebant quod vetusti sint, et tales sint in tellure eorum; contenti, quod visus ad dextrum, ibi, non ad sinistrum, ad sinistrum foret signum usuum non bonorum.

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