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《灵界经历》 第3284节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3284

3284. They afterwards withdrew, and in fact from overhead backwards, and there immediately assembled their own, whom they greeted voluminously in a kind of wavelike manner, like breakers sinking and rising in the middle. And they told them what had passed, and it was said to them that they adore only their own innermost life, and that whoever in the other life is like this from among their spirits, thus whatever societies can inspire such life into them, they adore as god. So it is not one spirit, but innumerable spirits. Now they are being told that the Lord, Who rules the universe, is one, and that one must rule. And from Him is all the life of all.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3284

3284. They afterwards withdrew, and indeed, backward above the head, and there immediately assembled their [spirits] whom they greeted by volume [voluminatim] by means of a sort of undulation, like waves, rising and falling in the middle; and they related to them what was done, and said to them; that they worship only their inmost life, and that whoever in the other life is of such a sort, from amongst their spirits: thus [whatever] societies can inspire such a life in them, that they worship them as god; wherefore they have not one god, but innumerable [ones]. They are now told that the Lord who rules the universe is one, and that one must needs rule: and from Him [is] the life of all.

Experientiae Spirituales 3284 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3284. Recesserunt postea et quidem e supra caput retrorsum, et ibi statim conveniebant suos, quos salutabant volumatim, per undulationis species sicut fluctus in 1

medio subsidendo et [se] 2

elevando; et iis narrabant quid actum, et dictum iis, quod adorent solum vitam suam, intimam, et quicunque in altera vita talis est, ex eorum spiritibus, ita societates quae inspirare iis possint talem vitam, quod eas adorent ut deum, quare non est unus, sed innumerabiles; nunc iis dicitur, quod Dominus Qui regit universum est unus, et quod unus regere debeat; et ab Ipso omnis omnium vita.


1. The Manuscript has in in

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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