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《灵界经历》 第3285节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3285

3285. The things written about these spirits of another solar system, 1that they did not rest until they reached the ninth use [3270-3274], happened to me this very day, as if I had absolutely seen the same things before, 2and likewise had pondered what these progressive uses mean, so that they appeared absolutely to have been shown to me before. This happened just as I had formerly thought such recollections occur, when yet the things remembered had not previously taken place. About these Cicero also wrote. 3

And I think this comes from the spirits of the universe, for they want those matters not to be called to mind, so they inject such a recollection. This also shows the source of so lively a recollection of such things; and that they can do this so vividly, comes from their life, which is very much like a persuasive one. For when they hold anyone in such a persuasion that they are that person's life, then the person cannot help thinking so.


1. See footnote at 3267, heading.

2. = "déjà vu."

3. Cf. Tusculan Disputations 1:24.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3285

3285. Such things as have been written concerning these spirits of another universe [to wit] that they do not rest till [they reach] about the ninth use, occurred to me on this same day, as if I have previously been precisely similar things, and that I have similarly meditated as to what such progressive uses signify; so that they certainly appeared to have been as it were previously shown to me. In like manner also, I have formerly thought that such recollections exist, and yet [these things] did not take place previously; of which matters Cicero also writes; and thus, I think this [proceeds] from the spirits of [that] universe: for they wish that these things may not be mentioned. Wherefore they inject such recollection; hence, also, it is apparent from whence [comes] so lively a recollection of such things; and that they can do it so vividly comes from their life, which is very similar to a persuasive [life]: for when they hold anyone in such persuasion, as is their life, then the man cannot do other than think so.

Experientiae Spirituales 3285 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3285. Quae scripta sunt de spiritibus his alius universi, quod non acquiescant nisi circa usum nonum [3270-3274], obvenerunt mihi eodem hoc die, quasi similia prius prorsus viderim, et quod similiter pensitaverim, quid usus tales progressivi, significent, sic ut prorsus apparerent tanquam prius mihi ostensa; sicut etiam olim quoque cogitavi quod tales recordationes existant, cum tamen prius non sunt facta, de quibus etiam Cicero {a} scribit; et sicut reor, hoc a spiritibus universi, nam volunt ut ea non memorentur, quare talem recordationem injiciunt, inde constat quoque unde talium tam viva recordatio; et quod tam vive id facere possunt, ex vita eorum, quae persuasivae simillima est venit, dum enim tenent aliquem in persuasione tali, sicut vita eorum, tunc non potest aliter homo, quam ita cogitare.

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