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《灵界经历》 第3287节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3287

3287. On the finite and the infinite

I spoke with spirits about the finite and the infinite, and indeed by mental images, [saying] that if a finite is multiplied by ever so many countless quantities, still the product is nothing in comparison to the Lord, Who is Infinite, thus the finite is nothing in comparison to the Infinite; and that the Infinite is beyond the grasp of any finite being, who, when he or she wants to think about the Infinite, meets with something most obscure, so that it looks to us like nothing. 1748, 23 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3287


I spoke with spirits concerning the finite, and the infinite, and indeed by ideas [saying] that let the finite be multiplied into ever so many indefinities, still it is nothing in respect to the Lord, who is Infinite: thus the finite is nothing in relation to the Infinite; but when it wishes to think concerning the Infinite, that it appears, as a something more obscure, so that it appears to it as nothing. - 1748, September 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3287 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3287. De finito et infinito

Loquutum cum spiritibus de finito et infinito, et quidem ideis, quod si finitum in quot usque indefinitates multiplicetur, usque nihil sit respective ad Dominum, Qui Infinitus, sic finitum est nihil respective ad Infinitum, et quod ab omni finito, non percipi possit Infinitum, sed dum cogitare velit de Infinito, quod obscurrimum quid obveniat, sic ut ei appareat ut nullum. 1748, 23 Sept.

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