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《灵界经历》 第3286节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3286

3286. So that they might know what god they worshipped, namely the bearded one spoken of above [3281], he was held by most crude evil spirits of this earth above my head as if bound, so that he pressed down the head. This went on for quite some time, and meanwhile they used him, or his life, to perpetrate a crime that I am not describing here, and after that he was shown to his spirits, who had gathered so that [it would be apparent] what they felt about their god, who could be so held by the crudest and worst spirits, unable to free himself.

That they might know still [better], wishing to depart beneath the earth, thus thinking themselves to be very far away, at once certain of them were snatched up, in a moment, high up above me, and then it was shown that he still could not free himself, nor could they believe that they were far away in the universe, being thus presented in a moment, and all being present most closely in the sight of the Lord.

He is still being held, and watched by them, and he is silent. So they are saying now, "We are looking at the god whom we worship, and he is like a devil, not a god." These are their words. He is described as so ugly that they had not seen anyone uglier. 1748, 23 Sept.

[continued at 3296]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3286

3286. In order that they might know what god they worshipped, of whom [mention has been made] previously, as being bearded, he was held by the evil spirits of this earth, and these of the grossest sort, as it were bound; over [above] my head, so that he pressed the head, quite a long time; and meanwhile they employed him, or his life to perpetrate the evil, which here I do not describe; and after that he was shown to his spirits who were congregated, in order that [it might be apparent] what they feel [sentiant] concerning their god, who could thus be held by the grossest and worst spirits, and was unable to liberate himself. In order that they might still [farther] know it, they wished to depart, yea, beneath the world, thus supposing they were absent, and immediately some of them were snatched up in a moment, on high above me; and it was thus shown that he could not liberate himself nor could they believe that they were far away in the universe, when they may thus be presented in a moment, and all be present most completely [proesentissime] in the sight of the Lord: he is still detained, and is beheld by them, and is silent. Wherefore, they now say: we behold the god whom we worship to be like the devil, [and] not [like] a god. These are their words, he is described as so hideous, that they have not seen [one] more hideous. - 1748, September 23.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3286 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3286. Ut scirent quem deum colerent, de quo prius qui barbatus {a} [3281], a malis spiritibus hujus telluris crassissimis tenebatur supra 1

caput meum sicut vinctus, ut presserit caput, satis diu, et interea eo seu ejus vita usi sunt ad patrandum facinus, quod hic non describo, et postea ostensus est ejus spiritibus, qui congregati, ut [pateret] quid sentirent de suo deo, qui a crassissimis et pessimis spiritibus ita potuit teneri, nec se liberare; ut adhuc id scirent, ii volentes abire, et quidem subter tellurem, ita longissime putantes abesse, illico quidam eorum rapti sunt momento in altum supra me, et sic ostensum quod nec [se] liberare posset, nec ii credere quod longe abessent, in universo, cum momento ita sistantur, et omnes adsint in conspectu Domini praesentissime; adhuc detinetur, et ab iis spectatur, et silet; quare dicunt nunc, spectamus deum quem colimus, quod similis sit diabolo non deo,'' sunt eorum verba, describitur tam deformis, ut deformiorem non viderint. 1748, 23 Sept. [continuatur ad 3[296]


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition super

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