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《灵界经历》 第3291节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3291

3291. What endeavor [is]

In a spiritual mental image I saw what endeavor is, namely, like that of a spirit who endeavors in various ways in keeping with his disposition to assert all his evil, then that is the spirit's endeavor toward all evil. But to the extent that his [evil] is asserted through mental imagery, conversations, or actions, the evil goes forth into act. So every idea is an image of him insofar as it is from him. 1748, 23 Sept.

Moreover, endeavors go off into working and effective forces, and where they become effective, they operate according to their own nature, but are received according to the nature and disposition of the person from the Lord, thus again, according to his state of mind. Working effective forces go there again into endeavor, 1and so they terminate. 1748, 23 Sept.


1. Bush and Simpson have "act" (perhaps rightly), without a footnote.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3291

3291. WHAT ENDEAVOR [conatus] [IS].

I perceived in spiritual idea, what conatus is, to wit, instance a spirit who endeavors [conatur] to put forth [exscrere] all his evil, in different modes, according to disposition; thus the spirit is an endeavor [conatus] to all evil, and so much of him as is put forth by means of ideas, speech, or arts, so much of endeavor goes forth [vadit] into act; wherefore every idea is an image of him, so far as from him. - 1748, September 23. Moreover endeavors go out [abeunt] into active and efficient forces [vires], and where they become efficient operate according to their nature, but are received according to his nature and disposition [bestowed] by the Lord, thus also, according to state. Active, efficient forces thus again go forth [vadunt] there into act [and] so are terminated. - 1748, September 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3291 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3291. Quid conatus

In idea spirituali percepi quid conatus, nempe, sicut spiritus, qui conatur omne suum malum diversimode secundum dispositionem exserere, ita spiritus est conatus ad omne malum; at quantum ejus exseritur per ideas, loquelas, aut actus 1

, tantum vadit conatus in actum, quare omnis idea est imago ejus, quantum ab eo. 1748, 23 Sept. Praeterea conatus abeunt in vires activas et efficientes, et ubi fiunt efficientes operantur secundum suam naturam, sed recipiuntur secundum naturam ejus et dispositionem a Domino, ita quoque secundum statum: vires activae efficientes vadunt sic iterum ibi in conatum, ita terminantur. 1748, 23 Sept.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition artes (sed cf. indicem ad Conatus, Indoles, et Malum)

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