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《灵界经历》 第3292节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3292

3292. The Lord was seen

When I was writing about the spirits of Mercury [1446], that they were promised higher knowledge, and that they were shown something like a sun and said it was not the Lord because they did not see a face - and while the spirits were speaking about this (but what they said I do not know), the Lord then appeared as the Sun in the midst of which was the Lord, girded about with a solar circle, as it were. At this the spirits of Mercury, profoundly humbled, sank down, acknowledging [Him] in anxious humiliation.

Presently He was seen by the spirits of this earth as [He was] in the world by those who saw Him in the world. One after another confessed, thus very many, that it is the Lord, Who had been in the World, before the whole assembly. Soon He was also seen by the spirits of the inhabitants of Jupiter, who likewise in a clear voice declared that it was He Himself Whom they had seen. For on that earth from time to time He presents Himself to be seen. 1748, 23 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3292

3292. When it was written concerning the spirits of Mercury, that knowledge [of the Lord], was promised them, and that there was shown the likeness of a sun, and they said that it was not the Lord, because they did not see the face; and when spirits spoke concerning it, though what they spoke I know not, then the Lord appeared like the sun, in whose midst [was] the Lord, surrounded by a solar bond, as it were; the spirits of Mercury then sunk down in profound humiliation, and acknowledged [him] in anxiety of humiliation, he was next seen by spirits of this world; by those who saw him in the world [he appeared] as when in the world; they confessed one after another, consequently many [of them] that it is the Lord who was in the world; thus [they spoke] before all the assemblage. Next he was also seen by the spirits of the inhabitants of Jupiter, who also said with manifest voice, that it was He whom they had seen; for in that earth he occasionally presents himself to be seen. - 1748, September 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3292 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3292. Quod Dominus visus

Cum scriberetur de spiritibus Mercurii [1446], quod promissa sit iis cognitio quod ostensum iis solis instar ii, dicerent, quod non esset Dominus, quia faciem non viderent cum loquerentur de eo, spiritus, sed quid loquuti non scio: tunc apparuit Dominus sicut Sol, in cujus medio Dominus, circumcinctus solari quasi circulo 1

, spiritus Mercurii tunc humiliati profunde subsidebant, et in anxietate humiliationis agnoverunt: mox visus est spiritibus hujus telluris sicut in mundo, iis qui Ipsum in mundo viderunt: unus post alterum fassi, sic plures, quod Dominus sit, Qui fuit in Mundo, ita coram omni coetu; mox quoque visus est spiritibus incolarum Jovis, qui quoque manifesta voce dicebant, quod Ipse esset, Quem viderant; nam in tellure ea passim Se videndum sistit. 1748, 23 Sept.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition vinculo

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