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《灵界经历》 第3298节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3298

3298. Their punishment consisted in wrapping him in a woolen cloth from feet to head, then rolling him up by their method. And after he was rolled up in this way, they held the knot that tied him up by hand, twisting it, so that he was bound up and twisted more tightly than I had ever seen on any other occasion, and so rolling him around between their hands and maiming and tearing him apart by a cruel method of crushing, indescribable. And that wrapping up was repeated several times: he was let out, wrapped up, and crushed.

They also tried to add a fantasy [to the punishment], but I perceived that the force of the fantasy was taken away by the Lord, lest they achieve that sensation they were trying to inflict on him. And when he had fallen from their hands, there was present toward the left, somewhat deeper down, another troop of his spirits, who seemed to me to be treating him in like manner-if there was any

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3298

3298. Their punishment [inflicted on him] was of this sort: they wrapped [rolled] him in a woolen cloth [sheet] from feet to head, and thus rolled [wrapped] him around in their manner; and after he was rolled [wrapped] around in their manner, they held in their hands the knot [where the cloth] [sheet] was tied, and twisted it; so that it [he] was tied and twisted more tightly than I ever saw on any other occasion; and thus they rolled him around [convolvendo] between their hands, and mangled and tore him, by a cruel mode of attrition [contritus]. It cannot so [easily] be described. That rolling about [involutio] was repeated several times - he was let out, and rolled up, and subjected to attrition [contritus]. They also endeavored to adjoin the [a] phantasy; but I perceive that the force of the phantasy was removed by the Lord, lest they might produce such a feeling as they endeavored to inflict; and when he had escaped from their hands, there was present towards the left, somewhat deeper, another cohort of his spirits, who -

Experientiae Spirituales 3298 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3298. Poena eorum talis erat, quod involverent eum panno laneo, a pedibus ad caput, et sic circumvolvendo suo modo, et postquam circumvolutus suo modo, tenebant manu nodum ligationis, et contorquendo, sic ut multo arctius ligaretur et contorqueretur, quam usquam alioquin vidi, et sic eum inter manus suas 1

convolvendo et per contritionis modum crudelem lacerando et discerpendo, quod 2

describi ita non potest, et involutio ista iterabatur aliquoties, emissus et involutus, et contritus, phantasiam quoque adjicere 3

quoque conabantur, sed percipiebam quod vis phantasiae tolleretur a Domino, ne sensum talem, qualem infligere conabantur, efficerent: cumque elapsus erat manibus eorum, aderat versus sinistrum aliquantum profundius alia cohors ejus spirituum, qui similiter eum tractare mihi visi, si quae differentia, non observavi; postquam iis elapsus alia

(3299.) cohors eum tractabat crudeliter, sic ut reor usque dum quarta cohors, quae succedebat sic: et tandem liberatus, ad me venit, et nunc apud me, et tunc dictum eis, quod deus eorum esset, quem sic tractarent, et hoc ita manifeste, ut non negare possent; nam aderat, et si dubitarent, is confiteretur, et eum viderent praesentem, tum quod is esset, et quod ne hilum me tangerent. Angeli supra moderabantur omnia, sicut circa omnes poenas.


1. The Manuscript has suo ut videtur

2. The Manuscript has discerpendo; quod

3. The Manuscript has adjicere

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