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《灵界经历》 第3297节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3297

3297. When I decided that they were now continuing my dream, for they were in a turbulent state, then I heard how they were punishing and maiming someone harshly by their own method, who was their god, who, as I realize, had thus lain in wait for me the whole night. Those who were punishing and maiming him were from that earth, his spirits, thinking all along they were treating me thus with the greatest fury, which I also felt and heard. And as it went on I was reflecting on their cruel punishment, how instigated by that god - for he is evil, and self-loving - they treat those who despise him, and do anything to him.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3297

3297. When I supposed that thus they were continuing my dream, for they were in a turbulent state, I then heard how they grievously punished and mangled some one, who was their god; who, as I perceive, thus lay in wait for me the whole night. They who punished and mangled him were his spirits from that earth. They continually supposed that they were thus treating me with the greatest fury; which also, I perceived and heard; and meanwhile I reflected upon their cruel punishment, how they treat those who despise that god, and do aught [against] him. He thus instigated them; for he is evil, and loves himself.

Experientiae Spirituales 3297 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3297. Cum arbitrabar eos sic continuare somnium meum, nam in statu turbulento erant, tunc audivi quomodo aliquem graviter suo modo punirent et lacerarent, qui erat deus eorum, qui ut percipio tota nocte sic mihi insidiatus, ii qui eum puniebant et lacerabant, erant 1

ex ista tellure, ejus spiritus, putantes continue, quod me ita tractarent cum maximo furore, quod etiam percipiebam et audiebam, ac interea reflectebam super poenam eorum crudelem, quomodo tractant eos, qui deum istum contemnunt, et ei quicquam faciunt, eo sic eos instigante, nam malus est, sui amans.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has erat

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