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《灵界经历》 第3311节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3311

3311. On the most ancient Church

Evil spirits of the more subtle kind streamed into my thoughts, and I recognized that they were from those deceitful ones overhead who indeed flow fluidly and softly, but whose efforts are evil; nor were they able to achieve their purpose. Thus it progressed in degrees from those who streamed in from there more roughly, to those who did so more subtly so that the awareness of an inflow began almost to pass away, while the awareness that evil ones were flowing in remained.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3311


There inflowed into my thoughts evil spirits of a more subtle sort, who [were] above the head, and I acknowledged [recognized] that they were from those deceitful ones above the head, who also act flowingly [fluids] and softly; but their conatus is evil; and they could not obtain [their] end; thus [they inflowed] by degrees; from those who inflowed thence more grossly, to those who [inflowed] more subtly; so that the perception of the influx almost began to fail [perire]. There remained the perception that the evil inflowed.

Experientiae Spirituales 3311 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3311. De antiquissima Ecclesia

Influebant in cogitationes meas spiritus mali subtiliores qui supra caput, et agnoscebam quod essent a dolosis iis supra caput, qui quoque fluide et molle agunt, sed conatus eorum [erant] mali, nec finem potuerunt obtinere, ita per gradus [progressum] ab iis qui inde crassius influebant, ad eos qui subtilius, sic ut inciperet perceptio influxionis fere perire, remanente perceptione quod influerent mali.

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