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《灵界经历》 第3312节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3312

3312. At length still more inwardly from that height, there streamed something like before still more subtle-so refined that I had not felt such subtlety before, so that it was within the previous subtle inflow, and when the spirits in between felt it, they wanted to snatch it, as usual, and thus give it access to do me harm. But they could not but remain apart, for the most subtle of them could not enter into the outward subtle ones, nor these into the inwardly subtle.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3312

3312. At length there inflowed more interiorly, from that height, such, or a similar principle, still more subtle, so subtle that at first I did not perceive that subtlety; so that it was within the former subtle [influx]; and when the mediate spirits perceived it, they wished to seize hold of it, as is their habit, and so admit it to injure me; but they could not be other than distinct [from the subtle ones]; for they who are their subtlest, could not enter into the exterior subtle ones, nor these into the interiorly subtle.

Experientiae Spirituales 3312 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3312. Tandem adhuc interius ab altitudine ista influebat tale seu simile adhuc subtilius, ita subtile, ut prius non perceperim subtilitatem istam, sic ut esset intra [influxum] {a} subtilem priorem, et cum perciperent spiritus medii, arripere id volebant, ut solet, et sic admittere, ut mihi nocerent, sed non potuerunt aliter quam distincti esse, nam qui eorum subtilissimi non intrare potuerunt in exteriores subtiles, nec hi in interius subtiles.

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