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《灵界经历》 第3317节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3317

3317. There was further discussion with them about the mode of their speech. That it might be understood, I was shown the manner of their breathing, and instructed that the breathing of their lungs was changed in time, according to the state of their faith, which was before unknown to me, but I can still understand and believe it. For my breathing was developed by the Lord in such a way that I was able to breathe inwardly for quite a long time without the help of outside air, so the breathing was directed inwardly, while my outer senses still remained in their vigor, as well as my actions. This cannot be granted to others than those who are so formed by the Lord-it is being said, except miraculously. I was also instructed that the breathing is thus directed without my knowledge, so that I may be with spirits, and speak with them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3317

3317. (Moreover, I spoke with them, touching the state of their speech. That it might be perceived there was shown me the nature of their respiration, and I was instructed that the respiration of the lungs is varied in succession, according to the state of their faith; which fact was before unknown to me; but still I can perceive and credit it; because my respiration was so formed by the Lord, that I could respire inwardly for a considerable time, without the aid of external air; so that my respiration was so directed inwardly, that the external senses as also the act still remained in their vigor. This can be granted to do others than they who are so formed by the Lord) it is so said, save miraculously. I was also instructed that the respiration is so directed, whilst I am ignorant [thereof], in order that I may be with spirits and speak with them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3317 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3317. Porro loquutum cum iis de statu eorum loquelae, qui ut perciperetur, ostensum mihi qualis eorum respiratio, et instructus sum, quod respiratio pulmonum variatus sit successive secundum statum eorum fidei, quod mihi prius ignotum, sed usque percipere id et credere possum, quia talis mea respiratio formata est a Domino, ut respirare potuissem intus per multum satis temporis, absque auxilio aeris externi, sic ut respiratio intus dirigeretur, ut usque sensus externi manerent in suo vigore, ut et actus, quod non dari queat aliis, quam qui ita a Domino formati, [nunc] dicitur, nisi miraculose; instructus etiam sum, quod respiratio ita dirigatur, me nesciente, ut esse queam cum spiritibus, et cum

(3318.) iis loqui; instructus quoque, quod coelestes et spirituales angeli respirationem inducant variam, et quidem aliam qui coelestes, cum omni differentia, et aliam qui spirituales cum omni differentia, quod mihi ostensum per ipsammet 1

respirationem; praeter quod spiritus Mercurii enumeravit plura genera respirationum, mecum partim communicata, tam quae influebant in interiorem respirationem, quam quae influebant externe cumprimis versus oculum sinistrum; sic ut unaquaevis societas maximi hominis suam respirationis speciem habeat, quae influunt, et constituunt communem hominis: et quia genera innumera sunt, et species cujusvis generis innumerabiles, non in specie adhuc possum sistere quales, nisi sicut dictum.


1. The Manuscript has ipsamet

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