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《灵界经历》 第3316节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3316

3316. occupied the region of the loins, and they wanted nothing more eagerly than to procreate offspring. And I realized the cause, that it was flowing in from the advent of the Lord into the world operating, so the cause was imparted. Hence their most pleasant delights, or most delightful pleasures, which flowed in from no other source, just as marriage love and storge, 1thus together with love no longer inwardly for the partner but only toward the offspring. So I now realize that the love of the partner had passed away, and remained in the love toward offspring, or storge. It is evident also from that Church, and the ancient one that followed, that there was no pleasure they preferred above the love of offspring. This is clear from many considerations, to be discussed elsewhere, if the Lord sees fit.


1. Greek import, meaning, "parental love."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3316

3316. and [that] they desired nothing more earnestly than to procreate posterity [sobolem]; and I perceived that [this was] because there was influx from the advent of the Lord into the world; thus it was insinuated, as operating, hence [arose] their inmost most pleasant delights, or most delightful pleasantnesses, which did not inflow other, than as conjugal love and storge, therefore together with love. No longer [the love] of the spouse, interiorly, but only towards offspring; wherefore I now perceive that conjugial love perished, and remained within love to offspring or storge. Like as may also be apparent from that Church, and the ancient [one] succeeding; which is evident from many things, which [will be treated] elsewhere, if the Lord think worthy.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3316 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3316. [vide 3314]

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