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《灵界经历》 第3319节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3319

3319. Besides these I was shown a breathing that belonged only to [the region] of the loins, even to the foot-soles. It was said to pertain to the foot and sole alone, meaning the lowest harmonizing breathing, flowing from within, which they did not feel, as it was later separated from the inward one. Hence those who seize the pleasures of marriage, or rather of [procreating] offspring, without the inward breathing, are the kind who in the ancient Church were later separated from the inward region, and because they imagined that they still grasped inward things, they are called the head of the serpent, for the head of the serpent symbolizes this. Therefore also adulterers, or those who regard adulteries as nothing, are at the same time also cruel. And because cruelty thus attaches itself to that kind of marital love, they are also under the foot-sole. In short, the aura of adulteries and that of cruelties are together, along with the kind of lewdness that appears to be marital. This I know from experience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3319

3319. Besides this there was shown me a respiration which belonged only to [the region] of the loins, as far as the soles of the foot. It was said that [a respiration] belonging only to the foot and sole signified the lowest accordant [respiration] [agreeing with inferiors] or [one] flowing from inferiors; which [respiration] they did not feel: in like manner it was afterwards separated from the interior [respiration]; hence they who apprehend the pleasantnesses of the spouse, or rather of offspring, apart from the interior, are such as in the Ancient Church were afterwards separated from the interior; and because they still supposed that they perceived interiors, are called the head of the serpent: for the head of the serpent signifies such a thing. Therefore, also, [they are] adulterers, or such as adulterers as of no moment, and at the same time are cruel, cruelty thus conjoins itself with such conjugial love: they also are under the sole of the foot. In a word, the spheres of adulteries and cruelties are one, together with such lasciviousness as appears to be conjugial [love]. This I know from experience.

Experientiae Spirituales 3319 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3319. Praeterea respiratio mihi ostensa, quae erat solius lumborum, usque ad plantas pedis, dictum quod solius pedis et plantae, significans infimam concordantem, seu ab interioribus 1

fluentem, quam ii non sentirent, sicut postea separata esset ab interiori, inde ii qui jucunditates conjugii aut potius prolis capiunt absque interiori, sunt tales qui in antiqua Ecclesia postea separati ab interiori, et quia usque percipere se putabant interiora, vocantur caput serpentis, nam caput sepentis significat tale; ideo quoque adulteri, seu qui adulteria pro nihil reputant, simul quoque crudeles sunt, et [quia] crudelitas sic se conjungit cum tali amore conjugiali, quoque sub planta pedis sunt; verbo adulteriorum sphaera et crudelitatum una sunt, cum tali lascivia qualis apparet conjugialis: quod ab experientia novi.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition inferioribus

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