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《灵界经历》 第3320节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3320

3320. It was shown also that every sense of the body has its own respiration, in fact its own place of respiration. For when voluntary breathing, which is active in a wakeful state to the extent of the wakefulness, ceases, then there is only spontaneous breathing. Therefore, just so much of this or that sense is wakeful or prevails when I am among spirits, as there is voluntary breathing, which is regulated by the Lord Alone, so that there is just so much and such a kind of voluntary breathing as contributes to the quantity and quality of that sense. This too it was granted me to understand by experience.

Moreover, it was granted me earlier to have the same thoughts due to considerably much experience before I spoke with spirits, namely that the breathing interacted with the thinking, as when in childhood I tried to hold my breath on purpose while they were praying in the morning or evening, as well as when I tried to make the breathing intervals agree with those of the heart; also, that then the understanding almost began to vanish, so to speak. Then later, when I was writing in my imagination, I had observed myself holding my breath, as if it were tacit.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3320

3320. It was also shown that every sense of the body has its own respiration; yea, its place of respiration: for when the voluntary respiration which is prevalent in wakefulness according to the state of wakefulness, ceases, then there is present only a natural respiration. Thus, just so much of this or that sense is wakeful or vigorous, when I am present among spirits, as the respiration is voluntary, which is regulated by the Lord: so that so much and such a sort, of the voluntary principle of the respiration is present as contributes to the quantity and quality of that sense, as was also granted to perceive from experience. Moreover, it was previously granted me to draw the same conclusion from a considerable experience, before I spoke with spirits, [to wit] that the respiration corresponds with thought; for instance, when in childhood [infantia] I wished to hold my breath [spiritum] purposely, when they prayed [were at prayers] in the morning and evening; also, when I wished the times of the respiration to agree with [those] of the heart, and so [observed] that then the understanding began to almost fade away [vanish] as it were; then afterwards, when I wrote in imagination, that I had observed that I held my respiration as if it were tacit.

Experientiae Spirituales 3320 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3320. Etiam ostensum est, quod unusquisque sensus corporis, habeat suam respirationem, imo suum respirationis locum, nam cum respiratio voluntaria, quae in vigilia viget secundum statum vigiliae, cessat, tunc adest solum respiratio naturalis, ita quantum ex hoc sensu, aut alio, vigilat seu viget, cum intersum spiritibus, [tantum] ita respiratio voluntaria [est], quae a Domino Solo disponitur, ut tunc respirationis voluntarium tantum et tale adsit, quantum contribuit ad sensus istius quantitatem et qualitatem, quod percipere experientia quoque datum erat; praeterea eadem ex satis multa experientia habere mihi datum est prius, antequam loquerer cum spiritibus, quod respiratio 1

corresponderet cum cogitatione, sicut dum in infantia vellem tenere spiritum ex professo, cum orarent mane aut vespere, tum cum respirationis vices vellem ut concordarent cum cordis, et sic quod tunc inciperet fere intellectus quasi evanescere; tum postea, cum scriberem in imaginatione, quod observassem

(3321.) me tenere 2

respirationem, quasi tacita esset; de qua re postea datum est cogitare, de qua passim, ut reor, inter ea, quae de pulmone {a}: et quidem quid relapsus respirationis, et quid attractus, tum quid naturale ejus, et quid voluntarium, quod naturale noctu regat, et voluntarium mixtum interdiu; tum quod in utero non respiratio, sed ut primum sensus operari debent, et musculi, quod respiratio: dictum etiam spiritibus, quod dispositionem respirationis nesciant, nec curent homines scire, quae diversissima est, cum agit, quomodo operatur in musculos, intenditur, remittitur, determinatur, tum in singulis loquelae, quae arcanissima homini sunt, etiam ideo, quia vix ullus attendit seu reflectit super ea, ne quidem sciens quod detur respiratio naturalis, et voluntaria, quod mixta varie in vigilia secundum intensiones et qualitates sensationum et actuum corporis; inde sequitur quod respiratio interna sit, dum homini datur loqui cum spiritibus, quae a Solo Domino regitur, angelis quoque nescientibus.


1. The Manuscript has respiraratio

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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