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《灵界经历》 第3321节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3321

3321. Later on I was inspired to give some thought to this matter, spoken of here and there, I think, among my observations on the lung, 1and indeed, what breathing out is, and what breathing in, as well as what the spontaneous kind is, and what the voluntary, that the spontaneous kind prevails at night, and the voluntary kind mixed with it by day, also that in the womb there is no breathing, but as soon as the senses need to operate, and the muscles, there is breathing.

It was also said to spirits that people on earth do not know how the breathing is regulated, nor do they care to know. It is very diverse in its action: how it operates into the muscles, how it is spread, sent back, limited - even in the details of speech, which are very mysterious to mankind-also for the reason that hardly anyone pays attention to or reflects on them, not even knowing that there is a spontaneous respiration and a voluntary one, and that there is a variously mixed one during wakefulness, depending on the intensities and qualities of the body's sensations and actions.

Hence it follows that there is an inner breathing when it is granted a human being to speak with spirits, which is controlled by the Lord Alone, even the angels being unaware of it.


1. See the author's The Animate Kingdom 385-410, and also above, nos. 366, 494-6, 1614-1615, 3034 1/2.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3321

3321. Concerning which matter, it was afterwards granted to think, of which [I have treated] previously here and there, I think, amongst my observations concerning the lungs; yea, know what [is] the falling of [letting out] the respiration and what its drawing in, and also what its natural [principle] and what its voluntary: that the natural rules at [by] night, and the mixed voluntary by day; also that [when] in the womb there is no respiration, but that as soon as the senses and muscles have [need] to operate the respiration [begins]. It was also said to spirits that they are unacquainted with the ordering of the respiration, and that, men do not care to know; which is most diverse in its action; how it operates into the muscles is directed [intenditur] remitted [and] determined; also in each thing of speech, which are cost secret to man; [and this] also because scarce anyone attends or reflects thereupon, not even knowing that there is given a natural and voluntary respiration; that it is variously mixed in wakefulness, according to the directings [intentiones] and qualities of the sensations and acts of the body. Hence it follows that there is an internal respiration when it is granted to man to speak with spirits, which is regulated by the Lord alone, the angels also being ignorant [of the mode] [thereof].

Experientiae Spirituales 3321 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3321. [vide 3320]

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