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《灵界经历》 第3324节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3324

3324. I have been shown by actual experience that the breathing of the most ancient Church had been from the navel, or toward the inward, farther back region of the chest, and then upward by way of the lips, so their mental images were richer. Afterwards, when the state of the Church changed, breathing from the navel withdrew toward the abdominal region, and then upward toward the lips, so that little breathing was felt above and then [receded] progressively downwards until no breathing was felt of the chest.

Then outward breathing began, consequently sound through the windpipe, larynx, throat, nostrils, tongue, lips, all of which chiefly govern sound and render it articulate. Hence now there was speech of the mouth, because entirely of the outside. All this made me realize that types of breathing succeeded one after another according to people's faith, thus according to how they received the aura of belief.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3324

3324. (It was shown by living experience that the respiration of the most Ancient Church was from the umbilicus, or towards the interior of the breast, more [towards] the region of the back, and so upwards through [trans] the lips: wherefore their ideas were fuller: afterwards, when the state of the church was changed, that the respiration receded from the umbilicus towards the region of the abdomen, and so upwards through the lips; afterwards more towards the region of the abdomen, so that a little of the respiration was apperceived above, and so on, downwards, until no respiration of the breast was apperceived. Then began [coepit, I think], an exterior respiration, consequently sound, through the trachea, larynx, throat, nostrils, tongue [and] lips, all of which especially determine sound, and render [it] articulate: hence how [came] the speech of the mouth, because [men were] wholly external. From which I perceived that respirations took place in succession, just as [the state of] faith in man; thus just as the sphere of faith is received by man.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3324 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3324. Ostensum per vivam experientiam, quod antiquissimae Ecclesiae respiratio fuerit ab umbilico sive versus pectoris interiorem magis tergalem regionem, et sic sursum trans labia, quare ideae eorum fuerunt pleniores, postea cum status Ecclesiae mutatus, quod respiratio ab umbilico recesserit, versus abdominis regionem, et sic sursum versus labia; postea magis versus abdominis regionem, sic ut parum respirationes apperceptum supra, et sic porro deorsum usque dum nulla fuit respiratio appercepta pectoris; tunc coepit 1

respiratio exterior, proinde sonus per tracheam, laryngem, guttur, nares, linguam, labia, quae omnia praecipue determinant sonum, et articulatum reddunt, inde nunc loquela oris, quia prorsus externi. Ex quibus percepi, quod respirationes successive se habuerint, sicut fides in homine, ita 2

sicut sphaera fidei recipitur ab homine.


1. The Manuscript has cepit

2. The Manuscript has homine; ita

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