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《灵界经历》 第3331节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3331

3331. On the spirits of Mars

Spirits of Mars were present, and some who stood apart were later being attacked by spirits of our earth, who in their view were virtually insane, as I even told them, so that if they were not held in restraints, like the insane, they would rush to destruction. At that point angelic spirits of Mars were coming, whose arrival I felt as a very pure aura. Then all at once communication was cut off with the spirits of our earth, who were there close to them, so they could not go insane, their mediums having been dispersed by the arrival of the angelic spirits of Mars, because they could not be [together] in the same realm.

Then those who were far off so humbled themselves before the Lord, that the spirits from there declared that they would never have believed that such a humbling existed. They sank down even deeper, and were portrayed as on their knees. 1748, 25 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3331


(Spirits of Mars were present, and they who were at a distance were afterwards infested by the spirits of our earth, who in their regard were as if insane, as I also told them; so that were they not held in bonds, like the insane, they would rush into destruction. Then came angelic spirits of Mars, whose arrival I perceived as if it were a purer aura. Then, at once, was taken away communication with the spirits of our earth, who were there near them; thus they could not be insane. Their subjects were dispersed by the arrival of the angelic spirits of Mars: inasmuch as they could not be in the same sphere). (Then they who were at a distance humbled themselves before the Lord, so that the spirits from thence said that they never believed such humiliation was given: they also sunk down more profoundly [in humiliation] and were represented on their knees. - 1748, September 25.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3331 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3331. De Martis spiritibus

Aderant Martis spiritus, et qui distabant, postea infestabantur a nostrae telluris spiritibus, qui respectu eorum, erant quasi insani, quod iis etiam dixi, sic ut nisi tenerentur in vinculis sicut insani, ruerent in perniciem; veniebant tunc spiritus angelici Martis, quorum adventum sicut puriorem auram percepi, tunc illico demta est communicatio spirituum nostrae telluris, qui ibi prope eos, ita insanire non potuerunt, subjecta horum discussa sunt per adventum spirituum angelicorum Martis, quia in eadem sphaera non esse potuerunt. Tunc ii qui e longinquo erant, se humiliabant coram Domino, ita ut dicerent spiritus inde, quod talem humiliationem nusquam crediderint dari, profundius etiam subsidebant, et repraesentati super genubus. 1748, 25 Sept.

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