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《灵界经历》 第3330节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3330

3330. What the clash of auras is like, namely of the reason and the outer senses, resulting only in rationalizations, in visions and fallacies therefrom, in theories and fantasies therefrom, was shown, for such spirits of our earth could not help attacking the spirits of Saturn. But the latter were not afraid, in fact they came among them, and ours could not do them any harm at all. Then also when they were told that they could not breathe in that aura, they cast themselves out, one here, another there, for they seemed to themselves not to be breathing. Such is the conflict of fantasies from the outer senses with the reason- which can never be vanquished, as they were shown by vivid mental imagery.

And they are then disquieted when there is conflict, as everyone is when what is rational conflicts with fantasies arising from the outer senses. That they were seen afar off, and then seemed to be fleeing away, was because the human reasoning faculty is hidden within when fantasies prevail; but when one comes into a state of misfortune, then the rational is present and [the irrational] yields.

However, a person absorbed in fantasies is in a rather calm state, so they are prevailing, as was shown by the fact that when the spirits of Saturn did not appear, then at once a calm arose among spirits of this earth. 1748, 25 Sept. They do not know what the spiritual is.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3330

3330. I was shown the nature of the conflict [concursus] of the spheres, to wit, of reason, and the external senses separated [therefrom], from which only [spring] ratiocinations, visions, hence fallacies, hypotheses, and hence phantasies. For the spirits of our earth could not but infest the spirits of Saturn; but these did not fear, yea, [our spirits] came amongst them, and could do them no harm at all: further, when it was also told these [spirits of our earth] that they could not respire in that sphere, they were thence projected of themselves, one here, another there; for they did not seem to themselves to respire. Such is the conflict between phantasies arising from the external senses and the reason, which can never be conquered; as was also shown them by a living idea; and that they are thus restless when there is conflict. Such is the case with everyone, when the rational [principle] combats with phantasies arising from the external senses. That they were seen afar off and thus as it were fled away, was because the rational [principle] of man is concealed within when phantasies prevail; but when man comes into a state of misfortune, then the rational is present and [the irrational] departs. Meanwhile, the man who is in phantasies is in a tranquil state, as it were: thus [phantasies] reign - as was shown by this: that [when] the spirits of Saturn did not appear, then at once arose tranquillity amongst the spirits of this earth, [1748, September 25]) and that they do not [then] know what is the spiritual.

Experientiae Spirituales 3330 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3330. Qualis concursus sphaerarum nempe rationis et sensuum externorum separatorum, ex quibus solum ratiocinationes, visiones inde fallaciae, hypotheses, et inde phantasiae, ostensum, nam spiritus tales nostrae telluris non potuere quam infestare Saturni spiritus, sed ii usque non timebant, imo inter eos veniebant, nec quicquam potuere [nostri] facere malum, tum quoque cum diceretur iis quod non respirare possent in ea sphaera, inde a semet projiciebantur, unus hic alter illuc, nam non respirare sibi videbantur; talis est conflictus phantasiarum ex sensibus externis cum ratione, quae 1

nusquam potest vinci, quod 2

iis quoque per ideam vivam ostensum; et quod sic irrequieti sunt cum conflictus est, sicut apud unumquemvis, dum rationale confligit cum phantasiis ex sensibus externis; quod e longinquo visi [3328] sic quasi aufugere, erat quia rationale hominis reconditur intus, cum regnant phantasiae, at cum homo in statum infortunii venit, tunc rationale adest [non] 3

cedit: interea est homo qui in phantasiis in statu quasi tranquillo, sic regnant, quod ostensum, per id quod [cum] 4

spiritus Saturni non apparuerint, tunc illico tranquillum ortum est inter spiritus hujus telluris. 1748, 25 Sept. Quod non sciant quid spirituale.


1. The Manuscript has ratione; quae

2. The Manuscript has vinci; quod

3. cf. 3329 ad finem

4. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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