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《灵界经历》 第3338节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3338

3338. Several days ago, while I was excerpting passages I had written concerning auras, because I was without any feeling caused by an aura, I did not then know what an aura is, nor did the spirits around me know, so that it was as if they did not exist. Then I was led almost to feeling that there were no such things as auras. This taught me how people on earth see it, namely, that such things can never be, because they have not been taught by any sense.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3338

3338. Some days before, when I extracted what I have written [wrote] concerning spheres, inasmuch as I was then, not in perception of a sphere, I did not know what a sphere [was], nor did the spirits around me know; so that, as it were, no sphere was given. I was then almost led to feel, that such spheres did not exist. Hence I was instructed how men perceive, to wit, that [such things] can never be, because they have not been so taught from any sense.

Experientiae Spirituales 3338 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3338. Ante aliquos dies, cum excerperem ee quae scripsi de sphaeris, quia in perceptione ex sphaera non eram, tunc non sciebam quid sphaera, nec sciebant spiritus circum me, sic ut [videretur] quasi non daretur, tunc perductus fere ad sentiendum, quod tales sphaerae non darentur, inde instructus, quomodo percipiant homines, quod nempe nusquam sint, quia non ex quodam sensu docti sunt.

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