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《灵界经历》 第3340节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3340

3340. the animal never. It knows its home, even though going by a way it had never before seen or trod. So do dogs, who run back home by different routes, through many places never seen before, horses likewise. Other animals do the same, such as bees to their hives, thus all animals. They even have a joyful aura only by coming into the locality, even if they had never been in that place, just from its nearness [to their home].

All animals whatever have an aura of knowing what food they may eat, which never fails them, from infancy, nor are they taught-every animal has such an aura, but not man. They shun at once whatever does not agree, seeking, finding, searching for what agrees. Animals have an aura of seasons, flying far away at the right time, geese, for instance, also swallows. Then all animals have an aura, like birds, of building their homes or nests, never having been taught. They have an aura of educating their chicks, such as doves, and others in other ways.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3340

3340. even if it should go through a way which it never saw nor trod before. It is so with dogs, who run back [home] through different ways, through many places, they have never seen before; it is similar with horses; it is similar with other animals: thus, bees [fly back] to their hives; so with all animals [mulla non animalia]. They also have a sphere of gladness, when they merely come to the [a] place, after several years, though they have never been in that place. [Their gladness arises] merely from the neighborhood of the place [to their home]. All animals whatever possess from earliest life [ab infantia] spheres of knowledge as to the food which they eat, which spheres never mislead them; nor are they instructed [as to this]. Every animal possesses such a sphere; but not [so] with man. They at once shun whatever does not agree [with them]; they seek, find, search out, what does agree. Animals possess a sphere of seasons [temporum], for then flying far away; for instance, geese, also swallows. So all animals have a sphere, for instance, birds, of constructing their homes, or nests. [Though they have] never been taught, they have a sphere of rearing [their] young, for instance, doves, and others in other ways.

Experientiae Spirituales 3340 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3340. [vide 3339]

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