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《灵界经历》 第3347节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3347

3347. But the inhabitants of Venus were examined, and they are indeed such as to delight exceedingly in plundering, so they obtain the pleasure of their life from that source. But still they are not cruel. Of course, they kill the people they plunder, but those whom they are able to save, they save. In fact they later bury those whom they cast into water and thus kill, so they also have something human within-differently from the Jews, to whom it was even delightful to throw those they had slaughtered to the wild animals and birds, to be devoured. I see some such now, they are Jews of today who take pleasure in such things. I received something out of the aura of some spirits hurrying up this way and fleeing away. 1748, 26 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3347

3347. But the inhabitants of Venus being explored, are found indeed to be such as delight exceedingly in plunder, so they hence derive the pleasantness of their life. But still that they are not cruel; they do indeed kill men, whom they plunder [diripiant]; but they preserve those whom they can, yea, do afterwards bury those whom they throw into the water and so kill. So that they also have the human [principle] inwardly within themselves. It was otherwise, with the Jews; who even delighted to cast those whom they slew to beasts and birds, to be devoured. I now perceive that such are the Jews of the present day, who delight in such things I perceived something of the sphere of some [of them] who rushed and fled quickly in this direction. - 1748, September 26.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3347 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3347. Sed Veneris incolae explorati, sunt quidem tales ut delectentur perquam ex rapinis, sic ut jucunditatem vitae suae inde acquirant; sed usque non sunt crudeles, interficiunt quidem homines, quos diripiunt, sed quos conservare possunt, conservant: imo postea quos projiciunt in aquas et sic interimunt, sepeliunt: ita quoque humanum intus in se habent; secus ac Judaei, quibus 1

etiam delectatio erat, projicere eos quos occiderunt feris et avibus, ut devorarentur; percipio tales nunc, sunt Judaei qui hodie, qui talibus delectantur, percepi aliquid ex sphaera aliquorum huc cito appellentium, et aufugientium. 1748, 26 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has Judaei; quibus

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