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《灵界经历》 第3346节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3346

3346. On the inhabitants of Venus

I saw what the spirits of Venus are like who are on this side, and they were also described as being wild, that they delighted in plundering, and eating of what was plundered from others. Their pleasure in plundering was communicated to me, which was great.

It was said that such had existed before in other places, such as the pleasure of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan, also of David, and of those who after having burned down Zicklag, and pillaged everything, rejoiced at heart [1 Sam. 30:14-16]. So, at set times, kings would go forth and plunder, then would rejoice in their plunderings. This was customary in old times in many other regions. So they consider that there is no more pleasant life than to be able to eat, drink and be merry from the spoils of others - but not from their own, unless they are spoils. Hence David's cruelty.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3346


I saw what was the quality of the spirits of Venus, who also were described as far as this [ab hac parte], as being ferocious [ferini], delighting in plunder, and eating of what was from plundered from others. Their pleasantness, [derived] from plundering was communicated to me; it was great. Such are they [it is said] that had they been previously in the place of others, for instance, of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan; also of David, [also] of those who after they had burnt Tiklag, and pillaged everything, rejoiced from the heart, so that at certain times, they might go forth as kings and pillage, they would thus rejoice in plunder. Such was the custom in ancient times, in many other regions. Wherefore they do not enjoy a pleasanter life than when they can eat, drink, and be merry, out of the spoils of others. [They do not take pleasure] in their own [things] unless they are spoils. Hence the cruelty of David.

Experientiae Spirituales 3346 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3346. De incolis Veneris

Visum mihi quales spiritus Veneris, qui ab hac parte, etiam descripti, quod essent ferini, quod delectarentur rapinis, et edere ex rapinis aliorum, jucunditas eorum ex rapinis, mihi communicata, quae magna erat--tales quod fuerint prius aliis in locis, dictum est--sicut incolarum terrae Canaanis, tum Davidis, ut eorum qui postquam Zicklag combusserint, et depraedati omnia, laetarentur ex corde [I Sam. XXX: 14-16]; ita quod certis temporibus exirent reges, et praedarentur, sic laetarentur ex rapinis; ita solitum antiquitus in multis aliis regionibus; quare ii non jucundiorem vitam habent, quam cum ex spoliis aliorum possint edere, bibere, et laetari: ex suis non item, nisi sint spolia. Inde Davidis crudelitas.

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