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《灵界经历》 第3354节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3354

3354. The same spirits also, or descendants of the most ancient Church, were thinking themselves to be so refined that no one would notice them, and they told me they thought they could do good from their own power. I spoke with them on this subject, also about the Lord, that they had awaited Him, among other things, Whom they also could worship, albeit from their own power.

To show them this, an angel just thought about these things, and this thought was communicated to them and portrayed as a puff of breath, thus like a gust of wind, which I also felt, and which they said they could not endure. They wanted to flee away, but because it stopped, they remained. 1748, 26 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3354

3354. (Also the same [spirits], that is [seu] the offspring of the Most Ancient Church, supposed themselves to be so subtle, that no one would perceive them, and they said to me, that they supposed they could do good of themselves. Concerning this matter I spoke with them, also concerning the Lord, that they have expected him, besides other things. Whom also they could adore, but of themselves. That this might be shown them, a certain angel merely thought concerning these things; which thought was communicated to them, and represented by a blowing [aspiratum] of respiration, thus like as it were, a blast of wind, which also was felt. They said they could not endure it [and] wished to flee away; but, inasmuch as it ceased, they remained. - 1748, September 26.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3354 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3354. Iidem quoque, seu proles antiquissimae Ecclesiae tam subtiles se putabant esse, ut nemo eos perciperet, et dicebant mihi, quod putarent [quod] 1

a se bonum facere possent, de 2

qua re cum iis loquutus, tum de Domino, quod exspectaverint Ipsum, praeter alia, Quem quoque adorare potuerunt, sed ex semet: quod ut iis ostenderetur, quidam angelus modo cogitabat de iis, quae cogitatio cum iis communicata, et repraesentata per aspiratum respirationis, ita sicut afflatus venti, qui quoque sentitus, quem dicebant se non potuisse 3

sustinere, volebant aufugere, sed quia desistebat, remanebant. 1748, 26 Sept.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. The Manuscript has cum

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has potuisset

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