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《灵界经历》 第3364节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3364

3364. As they began to work into me, I fell asleep, and then through passions that I would not have resisted in wakefulness they worked into me, and I had an oppressive dream, nor am I now able to describe what it was like, and what the oppressiveness consisted of, for their passions are indescribable. I can only say that they finally approached me to kill me by a blowing. Then in a dream I saw that they were approaching to suffocate me, and then I felt what seemed like a dreadful weight, caused only by the collective blast, I suppose, of their fantasies. There was such a kind of weight upon me that I was struggling back, but still struggling [I realized] that it was the Lord working in this way so that I would turn over onto my other side. Then I awoke.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3364

3364. (When they began to operate in me, I fell asleep, and thus by means of cupidities, which I could not have resisted in wakefulness, they operated in me, and I had sound [graven] sleep, and am not now able to describe its nature, and wherein its soundness [heaviness] [gravitas] consisted; for their cupidities are of such a character as, cannot be described; only that at length), (they assayed to kill me by means of afflatus: then I perceived, in sleep, that they assayed to suffocate me, and then was perceived, as it were a dreadful incubus, merely, I think, from the general afflatus of [their] phantasies. It was so like an incubus on me, that I labored similarly. But yet from my laboring, which was the Lord, who thus operated to turn me around on the other side. I therefore awoke.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3364 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3364. Cum inciperent in me operari lapsus sum in somnium, et sic per cupiditates, quibus non restitissem in vigilia, operati sunt in me, et habui somnium gravem, nec nunc describere possum qualis esset, et in qua gravitate 1

consisteret, nam cupiditates eorum tales sunt, ut describi nequeant, solum quod tandem me aggressi necare per afflatum, tunc in somnio percipiebam, quod aggrederentur me suffocare, et perceptus tunc quasi dirus incubus, afflatu solum, ut reor phantasiarum communi, ita erat sicut supra me incubus, ut laborarem similiter, sed usque laborando [percepi], quod Dominus erat Qui ita operatus, ut me circumverterem in alterum latus, ita evigilatus.


1. The Manuscript has gravitas

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