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《灵界经历》 第3363节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3363

3363. By the right part of the head and the left side of the thorax is meant that they were allowed to operate by means of desires, pouring in evil and raving passions, and this kind of action, and then thinking and speaking out of desires, thus consciously; but not into the left side of the head, which would be with their dreadful persuasion, for it is their nature (as I was later instructed, somewhat by experience) to be of this persuasion because almost their [whole] inward part is so hostile toward the Lord that with whatever they say, they pour in the strongest conviction, thus driving away everything good and true. It is no different than when the toes or fingers are frostbitten and have no more feeling, as if they were dead and without circulation, as is well known.

This is the nature of persuasion, and such had [these descendants] been, and even worse, together with all their troops, against which the Lord fought and which He conquered by His own powers. This could never have been, without His Divine: thus also His Human Essence was victorious.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3363

3363. (Through [by] the right part of the head, and the left side of the thorax, is signified that they were permitted to operate by means of cupidities, by infusing evil and insane cupidities, and so acting, and thus thinking and speaking from cupidities, consequently from perception; but not the left of the head, which would be with their dreadful persuasion; for they are of such a character, as I was afterwards instructed, and a little by experience, as that they are in such persuasion, because almost their [whole] interior is hostile to the Lord; so that into whatever they say, they infuse a most strong persuasion, and thus drive away every good and true thing; just as when the digits of the foot or hand are concealed by cold and have no more feeling, but become, as it were, dead and bloodless.) (In like manner, it is known, that such is their persuasion, and such were they, and still worse with all their cohorts against whom the Lord fought, and whom he overcame by his own strength; which, is never possible [dabile] without His Divine; thus also His Human Essence overcame them.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3363 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3363. Per dextram partem capitis et sinistrum latus thoracis significatur, quod per cupiditates iis liceret operari, infundendo malas et vesanas cupiditates, et ita agendo, et sic ex cupiditatibus cogitando et loquendo, ita a perceptione; non autem in sinistrum capitis, quod foret persuasione eorum dira, nam tales sunt, sicut postea, et paulisper per experientiam, instructus, quod tali persuasione sint, quia paene interius eorum tale {a} est contra Dominum, ut quicquid usquam dicant, infundant persuasionem fortissimam, et sic abigunt omne bonum et verum, non aliter ac dum digiti pedis aut manus a gelu constricti, nihil amplius sentiant, sed sicut forent mortui et exsangues, sicut notum est, talis est persuasio, et tales fuerunt, et adhuc pejores, cum omnibus eorum cohortibus, contra quas Dominus pugnavit, et quas vicit propriis viribus, quod nusquam dabile est absque Divino Ipsius, sic quoque Humana Ipsius Essentia vicit.

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