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《灵界经历》 第3375节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3375

3375. How the human race was afterwards turned upside down

Thus I was shown that they worked only into the right part of the head, that is, through desires, toward the left side of the chest, that is, fantasies issuing from desires (thus not fantasies apart from desires); thus were not operating out of principles of knowledge, which are highly persuasive, but pouring in dreadful persuasions at the same time, and then deadening the mental images of a person on earth or a spirit just as ice deadens one's members, driving away all the warmth of goodness and truth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3375


From those things which were shown me, [it is apparent] that they acted solely into the right part of the head, that is, by means of cupidities, towards the left side of the breast, thus by means of phantasies [arising] from cupidities, consequently not with phantasies, apart from these [cupidities], thus not from principle and scientifics, which are of such a nature that they are in the greatest persuasion; thus they infuse at the same time dire persuasions and then destroy [mortificant] the ideas of man or spirits by expelling all the warmth of the good and true, just as cold destroys the members of man.

Experientiae Spirituales 3375 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3375. Quomodo humanum genus postea inversum est

Ex iis, quae mihi ostensa--quod 1

agerent solum in dextram partem capitis, hoc est per cupiditates, versus sinistrum latus pectoris, sic per phantasias ex cupiditatibus, ita non cum phantasiis absque iis, ita non ex principiis et scientificis, quae talia sunt, ut in summa persuasione sint, sic infundunt simul persuasiones diras, et tunc ideas hominis aut spiritus mortificant, sicut gelu quod mortificat membra hominis, abigendo omnem 2

calorem boni et veri--


1. The Manuscript has ostensa, quod

2. The Manuscript has omne

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