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《灵界经历》 第3378节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3378

3378. It should be mentioned that before those antediluvian spirits came to me, first I saw a beautiful little child dressed in a shining garment, who symbolized, as is now being imparted to me, the most ancient Church. Next in a kind of open doorway, I saw a boy in a green garment, and I do not know what it symbolizes-perhaps such as belonged to the same period, or that of the most ancient Church. Presently two handmaids in white as to the head were seen, who symbolized those people's feelings, while the boy in green symbolized their knowledge and understanding.

Therefore, at that time, the time of the most ancient Church, to some extent their rational ideas, that is their faith of knowledge was like green, or like the boy, while their feelings were like the handmaids', shining as to the head-thus just the reverse of the case with us. With us the knowledge is good, but the feelings evil.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3378

3378. (It should be observed, that before those antediluvian spirits came to me, that there was first seen by me, a beautiful infant dressed in a shining [white] [candida] garment, which signified the Most Ancient Church, as is now insinuated in me; then in the same open door-way was seen a boy in a youthful [viridi] garment; I do not know what it signifies, whether [or no it means] such [people] of the same time, that is, of the Most Ancient Church. Next were seen two maids in white, as respects the head, who signify the affections of such [members of the Most Ancient Church], since the youthful boy [puer] [signifies] scientifics and intellectuals; wherefore in those times, to wit, those of the Most Ancient Church, there were in part such rational ideas, that is, their scientific faith [was], as it were, youthful, yet like the boy; but the affections were like [those] of the maids, [who were] shining as to the head. Thus there was just the reverse from what is the case with us. With us, there are good scientifics, but evil affections.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3378 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3378. Observandum, quod antequam venirent spiritus isti antediluviani ad me, quod primum mihi visus infans pulcher vestitus veste candida: qui 1

significabat, ut mihi nunc insinuatur, antiquissimam Ecclesiam; dein in quadam janua aperta visus est puer in veste viridi, non scio quid significet, num ejusdem temporis seu antiquissimae Ecclesiae tales; mox visae binae ancillae in albo quoad caput, quae significant affectiones talium, cum puer viridis, scientifica et intellectualia: quare tunc temporis nempe antiquissimae Ecclesiae, erant partim tales ideae rationales seu fides eorum scientifica, ut viridis, sed ut puer, at vero talium affectiones erant sicut ancillarum, quoad caput candidae, ita inverse, ac penes nos, penes nos sunt scientifica bona, sed affectiones malae.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quae

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