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《灵界经历》 第3387节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3387

3387. Later they descended into the place from which they had gone up, and they spoke among themselves, but what they were saying did not reach me except the fact that in this case they could not speak with me. But still I noticed coming from those in my brain something of confusion or anxiety, which was their aura because they are in them, and thus a certain aura of persuasion against the truths of faith that thus stirred my brain with some confusion. For I was inspired to tell them that if they wished to speak of things of this nature, which lie in the greatest obscurity, then they could fill the largest Library, which I was given to portray to them, with volumes, and yet the sum of them all would still be what they call higher knowledge of faith, being what was just said here above [3386]. 1748, 27 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3387

3387. They afterwards descended into the place from under which they went, and spoke together; but what they said did not reach me; besides they could not thus speak with me; but still there was perceived by those in my cerebrum, a confused, or perturbed something, which was their sphere, because they are in such things; thus [it was] a sort of sphere of persuasion against the truths of faith, which so affected my cerebrum with a sort of confusion. For it was granted to tell them, if they wished to speak concerning the like, which are in the greatest obscurity, they then could have filled the greatest library with volumes, as was granted to represent to them, and yet the sum of all would still be, what they call knowledge of faith, or what has been now said here previously. - 1748, September 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 3387 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3387. Postea descendebant, in locum ex quo subiverunt, et inter se loquuti, sed quid dicebant, non ad me veniebat, praeter quod sic non possent mecum loqui, sed perceptum usque ab iis in cerebro meo, confusum quoddam, seu perturbatum, quod erat sphaera eorum, quia in talibus sunt, sic quaedam sphaera persuasionis contra veritates fidei, quae ita cerebrum meum quadam confusione afficiebat; nam dicere eis datum, si vellent de siiilibus, quae in obscurissimis sunt, loqui, tunc potuissent maximam Bibliothekam quae iis repraesentare datum, voluminibus implere, et tamen summa omnium usque esset, quod dicunt cognitiones fidei, seu quod hic nunc prius dictum [3386]. 1748, 27 Sept.

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