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《灵界经历》 第3386节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3386

3386. There was further discussion about fallacies, in which I said that there are fallacies that they imagine not to be fallacies; also that there are very many, even countless things that appear to be real when they are not, such as paradisal phenomena and the like. So they asked whether or not they were fallacies, upon which I was prompted to say that fallacies are those things that are not true, or that are vessels that cannot contain truths, but that such things with angelic spirits or angels are not fallacies, but are appearances, and they are like vessels that can contain higher knowledge pertaining to faith. Therefore I told what higher knowledge of faith is that is not appearances, namely, that higher knowledge of faith is that the Lord rules the universe, that all Goodness and Truth are from the Lord Alone, that with us there is nothing but evil, and other knowledge of that kind. 1749, 27 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3386

3386. I held further discourse concerning fallacies, saying, that there are fallacies, which they do not consider to be fallacies; then that there are very many and innumerable things which appear to be so, when they are not so; for instance, paradisiacal [scenes] and the like. Wherefore they inquired whether or no [these] were fallacies; it was then granted to reply that [those things] are fallacies, which are not true, or which are vessels to which truths cannot be applied; but that such things as belong to angelic spirits and angels, are not fallacies, but are appearances, and that they are, as it were, vessels, to which may be applied the knowledges of faith. Wherefore was told what [are] the knowledges of faith, which [are] not appearances, to wit; that the knowledges of faith are, that the Lord rules the universe, that all good and true are from the Lord alone, that in [apud] us, is nothing but evil, and the like. - 1748, September 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 3386 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3386. Sermo porro erat de fallaciis, dicendo, quod fallaciae sint quas putant non esse fallacias; tum 1

quod permulta et innumerabilia sint, quae apparent ita esse cum non sint, sicut paradisiaca et talia; quare quaerebant annon fallaciae essent, tunc dicere 2

dabatur, quod fallaciae sint, quae non vera seu quae vasa sunt quibus veritates non possint applicari, sed quod talia quae sunt spirituum angelicorum et angelorum, non sint fallaciae, sed sint apparentiae, et quod sint tanquam vasa, quibus applicari queant cognitiones fidei; quare dictum quid cognitiones fidei, quae non apparentiae, nempe quod cognitiones fidei sint quod Dominus regat universum, quod omne Bonum et Verum a Domino Solo, quod apud nos nihil nisi malum: et similia. 1748, 27 Sept.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tunc

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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