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《灵界经历》 第3390节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3390

3390. On the Pre-adamites

It was shown me what the Pre-adamites were like, who were regenerated by the Lord and called "Adam": a certain one spoke with me in a speech not swiftly articulated, as speech usually is, but in the words there was little life, so that one can hear [from the speech] what kind of life. I heard him speaking when I awoke in the night.

He had been put there to guard me, and he said that evil ones were trying to carry me off. I had heard that there was such a guard, and that he was not evil, but had little life left, so that he was an external person, yet in whom inner qualities were in the outer ones - but few inner qualities. So he had not become such an outer person as ours [today], in whom outer qualities are separated from inner ones. But there were inner ones with him, though few.

This has now been made known to me, and I can now learn from it, and indeed from his speaking, that little of inward life remained. It was imparted to me verbally that the pre-adamites were of this nature, thus not evil. And it was also perceptively imparted that they related at that time to the hairs of the genitals. Whether this one was a pre-adamite cannot be known, because the pre-adamites [lived] so many centuries ago, and today there are very many such people. Otherwise there would not be any who would correspond to those hairs.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3390


I was shown of what quality were the pre-Adamites who were regenerated by the Lord and called Adam. A certain one spoke with me in such speech as characterizes their life; not a rapid and distinct speech, as is customary, but one whose words had in them a little of life, so that it can be heard I heard him speaking when I awaked in the night; he was placed to guard me, and said that the evil wished to carry me off. I heard that he was such a guard, and was not evil, but had a little of life remaining, so that he was an external man, but still, internals were within his externals; there was [though] [but] a little of his internals [left]; so that he has not become such an external man as those of our day, in whom externals are separated from internals. But, in this case, internals, were within, though [but] little. This was now manifested to me; and now I can thus know thence, and also from his speech, that a little of [his] interior life remained; such it is insinuated, or said, were the pre-Adamites; so that [they are] not evil. It was also further insinuated and perceived that they then bore reference to the hair of the genital members. Whether, he was a pre-Adamite cannot be known, because the pre-Adamites [lived] so many ages before, and at this day there are very many of such a character; otherwise there would be no correspondences to have reference to that hair.

Experientiae Spirituales 3390 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3390. De Praeadamitis

Ostensum mihi quales erant praeadamitae, qui a Domino regenerati, et vocati Adamus: loquutus est quidam mecum loquela tali, non distincta celeriter ut solet loquela, sed in vocibus erat parum vitae, sic audiri potest, qualis vita; audiebam eum loquentem, cum in nocte vigil factus sum, positus ut custodiret me, et dixit, quod mali vellent me auferre, audivi quod talis custos, et quod non malus, sed parum vitae haberet residuum, sic ut esset externus homo, sed usque cui interna externis inerant, sed internorum parum, sic non factus talis externus homo, quales nostri, in quibus externa separata sunt ab internis; sed interna apud eum inerant, sed parum, hoc mihi nunc manifestatum, et nunc ita scire possum inde, et quidem ex ejus loquela, quod parum vitae interioris remaneret, insinuatum seu dictum, quod tales essent praeadamitae; ita non mali; tum quoque insinuatum et perceptum, quod referrent tunc crines membrorum genitalium; num is fuerit praeadamita, non sciri potest, quia ante tot saecula praeadamitae, et hodie sunt tales perplures; aliter non forent correspondentiae, quae referrent crines istos.

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