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《灵界经历》 第3398节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3398

3398. How heaven was portrayed

When I was speaking with spirits on the street, the angels were portrayed as if having their head in heaven, but their feet in the heaven of inward angelic spirits; these, similarly, as if having their head in their heaven, but their feet in the world of lower angelic spirits; these also as if having their head in their world of spirits, but their feet in mankind. But those newly arrived from the earth fallaciously appear to themselves as people on earth. Evil spirits, however - and as is now being imparted, the inward kind of them-[were portrayed] as if they had their head in the tail, and their feet upward. 1748, 28 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3398


It was represented, when I spoke with spirits in the street, that angels have, as it were, the head in heaven, but the feet in the heaven of inferior angelic spirits: that thus similarly [these] have, as it were, the head in their heaven, but the feet in the world of inferior angelic spirits: that these also [have] the head in their world of spirits, but the feet in man; but they who flow [alluuent] recently from the earth appear to themselves, from fallacy, like men; but evil spirits, as is now insinuated, the inferior sort, have the head in the tail, and the feet upwards. - 1748, September 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 3398 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3398. Quomodo repraesentatum coelum

Repraesentatum, cum loquerer cum spiritibus in platea, quod angeli habeant quasi caput in coelo, at pedes in coelo spirituum angelicorum interiorum, hi similiter quod habeant quasi caput in suo coelo, sed pedes in mundo spirituum angelicorum inferiorum; hi quoque quod caput in suo spirituum mundo, sed pedes in homine; at qui e tellure recens alluunt, sibi ex fallacia apparent sicut homines: at spiritus mali, ut nunc insinuatur, interiores eorum quod caput habeant in cauda, et pedes sursum. 1748, 28 Sept.

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