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《灵界经历》 第3399节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3399

3399. Inauguration into gyres, is [being brought] into [types of] breathing

When pre-adamites and those like pre-adamites are being inaugurated into swifter gyres that I finally felt as continuous, while previously they had been extremely separate [3392], I was given to realize that these inaugurations are like [the gyres] into types of breathing. For when breathing takes place in a person, the senses and perceptions come alive, as well as actions, and when there is inward breathing, that the inward senses and perceptions come alive, as I have been shown by actual experience. For I was driven into inward gyres also, which were kinds of breathing.

So the first inauguration is only into types of breathing, and when these have been given, then the spirit is introduced into inward perceptions, and so further, for as shown before [3323], ideas are the intervals and variations of the types of respirations, as is obvious from the operation of the will into the muscles by means of the action of the lungs, spoken of earlier [3035]. 1748, 28 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3399


When the pre-Adamites, and [those who are] like the pre-Adamites, were inaugurated into swifter gyres, which I apperceived to be, as it were, at length continuous, though at first they were highly discrete, it was granted to perceive that such inaugurations are circumstanced like [those] into respiration: for when respiration is given in man, the senses and perceptions, also the actions, are alive, and when the interior respiration [is given, I perceived] that the interior senses and perceptions are alive, which was shown me by living experience; for I also was exercised in interior gyres which belonged to respiration: thus inauguration into respiration is only first, which being granted, the spirit is then introduced into interior perceptions and so forth; for, as was shown, ideas are moments and varieties of respirations, as is apparent from the operation of the will into the muscles, through the applications of the lungs, which [I have spoken] of previously. - 1748, September 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 3399 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3399. Quod inauguratio in gyros, sit in respirationes

Cum praeadamitae, et praeadamitis similes, inaugurabantur in gyros celeriores, tandem mihi apperceptos tanquam continuos, cum prius essent summe discreti [3392], percipere datum est, quod tales inaugurationes se habeant, ut in respirationes, nam data respiratione in homine vivunt sensus perceptiones, tum actiones cum interior respiratio, quod vivant sensus perceptiones interiores, quod mihi per vivam experientiam ostensum, nam in gyros quoque interiores agebar, quae erant respirationes 1

, ita inauguratio prima est modo in respirationes, quibus datis dein introducitur spiritus in perceptiones interiores, et sic porro; nam, ut ostensum [3323], ideae sunt respirationum momenta varietates; ut a voluntatis operatione in musculos per pulmonicas applicationes constat, de quibus prius [3035]. 1748, 28 Sept.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition respirationis

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