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《灵界经历》 第341节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 341

341. As soon as causes or means are detected, or they believe they have found them out for themselves, belief perishes

Several times it has been observed that belief passes away as soon as they know, or think they know, a cause.

Those spirits could not but acknowledge this, who had doubted about the power of God the Messiah when they arrived at a certain cause [of something] - such as that it took place by means of angels, or by means of heaven.

Therefore it was shown them that this would happen without those means, because God the Messiah is all in everything, and all-powerful. Nevertheless, when they have once or twice become aware of the causes, the thought sticks in their mind that there is yet another mediating cause, which lies hidden; and in this way also, belief perishes. This is also the reason why, as soon as they imagine they have discovered the cause of a certain thing, they reject [the very idea of] belief. 1Therefore, belief is also destroyed by human philosophy, because they want to investigate the cause of everything there is by their own method and by their own philosophy. 1747, the 14th day of December.


1. That is, they believe only what they have discovered.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 341


It has sometimes been observed that as soon as [spirits] know or suppose they know, the cause, faith perishes. Those had to acknowledge this who had at once doubted concerning the power of God Messiah, as soon as they apperceived some cause, as that it was effected by means of angels, or by means of heaven; wherefore it was shown to them it was effected without those means, because God Messiah is the All in all, and Omnipotent. But nevertheless, when they have apperceived the causes once or twice, it remains fixed in their mind that there is yet a cause - a mediating cause - which lies concealed, and so also faith perishes. This also is the reason why, as soon as they suppose that they have investigated the cause of anything, they reject all faith. This is also the reason that faith is destroyed by human philosophy, because men want to investigate the cause of everything in their own way, and by their own philosophy. 1747, Dec. 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 341 (original Latin 1748-1764)

341. Aliquoties observatum est, quod fides pereat, ut primum causam norunt, aut se nosse putant; quod non potuerunt non agnoscere ii, qui illico dubitarunt de potestate Dei Messiae, quum apperciperent causam quandam, sicut quod fieret mediis angelis aut medio coelo, quare iis ostensum est, quod absque iis mediis fieret, quia Deus Messias est omnis in omni, et omnipotens; sed usque dum semel aut iterum causas apperceperint, inhaeret menti eorum, quod usque causa sit, quae latet, mediatrix, et sic quoque perit fides; haec quoque causa est, quod utprimum causam cujusdam 1

rei investigavisse se putant, omnem fidem rejiciant, quare etiam fides per philosophiam humanam destruitur, quia nullius non rei causam investigare suo modo, suaque philosophia volunt. 1747, die 14 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has cujusdem

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