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《灵界经历》 第3423节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3423

3423. On the metric thinking of spirits

Spirits and angels speak metrically, so that their discourse flows spontaneously, without retardation. They use familiar words, nor do they bring in a word that complicates the meaning or leads away from it, also bewaring lest any element of self-love from an artful elegance and combination of words should flow in, for such things are disturbing. They act more flowingly when alone, without the accompanying attention of the people [they speak with], also when these do not cling to a certain word, but to the sense.

In my case they ended in unities, for the most part single ones; when in other than single ones, they are brought into a unity by accentuation. These unities are due to the speaking of many spirits at the same time - otherwise many would not be able to speak at the same time. So there must be roundness. The last unity becomes round by the next one, into which the prior one is then rolled.

Metric speech goes from inward regions toward outward ones, by means of so called intermediate purposes, all of which are unities. But how the harmony of the speaking of spirits differs from the harmony of the speaking of angels, I have not yet been permitted to observe. These words [were written] on the way. 1


1. I. e., "on the way" from Holland to London.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3423


(Spirits and angels speak metrically [in measures], so that their speech [sermo] flows spontaneously without hindrance. They use familiar words, and no word is introduced which multiplies the sense [meaning], or diverts it in other directions; they also [take care] that nothing of self-love [springing] from artful elegance and arrangement of the words may flow, for these things distract [the mind]. When alone, without the close [comitante] attention of man, they act in a more flowing manner; also when they do not inhere in any word, but in the sense. In my case [their measures] terminated in concords [unitates] of the simplest possible kind. When [they exercise] in other [measures] they are brought into concord by means of accent. These things [are so] on account of the simultaneous speaking of many spirits; otherwise, many would not be able to speak together: wherefore there must be roundness [to their speech]. The last concord becomes rounded by means of its successor, into which the preceding [one] is thus rolled. Metrical speech proceeds from interiors to exteriors, through mediate ends so called, all of which are concords. But how the harmony of speaking, pertaining to spirits, differs from the harmony of the speech of angels, it is not permitted to observe. These things in the way.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3423 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3423. De metrica cogitatione spirituum

Metrice loquuntur spiritus et angeli, ita ut fluat sermo sponte absque retardatione: vocibus familiaribus utuntur, nec vox infertur, quae sensum multiplicet, aut aliunde abstrahat; tum ne quid amoris sui ex artificiali vocum elegantia et combinatione influat; haec enim disturbant: fluidius agunt soli absque hominis comitante attentione, tum si non inhaerent alicui voci, sed sensui. Desinebant mihi in unitates, utplurimum simplices, dum in alias, in unitatem per accentum feruntur. Haec propter plurium spirituum simultaneam loquutionem, alioquin plures non possent loqui simul; quare rotundum esse debet. Unitas ultima fit rotunda per sequentem, in quam sic volvitur prior. Metrica loquela vadit ab interioribus versus exteriora, per fines ita dictos medios, qui omnes sunt unitates; sed harmonia 1

loquutionis spirituum quomodo differt ab harmonia loquutionis angelorum, nondum observare licuit. Haec in via.


1. The Manuscript has harmonica ut videtur

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