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《灵界经历》 第3422节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3422

3422. About spirits' mental images

By one tacit mental image, it was possible to present to spirits what an idea of lower spirits was like, what that of angelic spirits, and what that of angels, just by seeing it pictured that the inward parts of the mental image pertain to angelic spirits and the inward parts of those to angels.

At the same time it was said that this which was done and seen in an instant, could not be presented to a person on earth by many pages, and [if it were] it would still not be understood. The reason for this of course is that they have no perception of what an idea is, still less of what is within, or inside of ideas, imagining everything to be on the surface, for this is how corporeal people arrive at their ideas. 1748, 24 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3422


By means of a single tacit idea, it could be represented to spirits, what is the nature of the idea of inferior spirits, the nature of [the idea] of angelic spirits, also [that] of angels, merely by their perceiving in idea, that the interiors of an [the] idea belong to angelic spirits and their interiors belong to angels: and it was at the same time said that this, which is done and perceived in a moment, cannot be explained to man in many pages: and still would not be perceived, yea, because he has no perception what is an idea, still less what is inward or written ideas, for he supposes all things to be simple: for thus do corporal men conclude their ideas [to be]. - 1748, October 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 3422 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3422. De ideis spirituum

Per unam tacitam ideam sisti potuii spiritibus, qualis idea spirituum inferiorum, qualis spirituum angelicorum, tum qualis angelorum, solum per id quod idea perceptum, quod interiora ideae sint spirituum angelicorum, et eorum interiora sint angelorum, et simul dictum quod hoc quod momento factum et perceptum sit, non possit exponi homini per multas paginas, et usque non intelligeretur, et quidem ex causa, quia non perceptionem habet quid idea, minus, quid intus seu intra ideas, nam putat omnia simplicia, nam sic concludunt homines corporei suas ideas. 1748, 24 Oct.

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