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《灵界经历》 第343节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 343

343. The state of temptation and purging: God the Messiah tempts no one

I was also shown by actual experience how temptations are caused by inner torments of distress, and at the same time, inward grief; likewise, how they long when they are in that state to know what should be believed, and how that [thought] keeps coming up that they [act] from themselves, and they therefore want to claim some merit for undergoing temptations, and thus enter heaven - as well as other thoughts I could not observe.

In addition, [I was shown] what their thinking was like at the time - as that everything they had heard and seen was of little value, empty, almost untrue - to which thoughts their conscience more or less assented. Thus it was allowed to observe how they were when emerging from that state - in short, they could not but think that God the Messiah permits temptations, which still involves [the idea] that He tempts. 1747, the 15th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 343


It has also been shown me by living experience, how temptations are brought about by the internal torments of anguish, and at the same time by interior pains: likewise how in that state they want to know what they ought to believe: and that which is from themselves always occurs to them, namely, that by temptations they want to merit something, and so to enter into heaven, besides other things which I could not observe. I was also shown the nature of their thought at the time, namely, that whatever they have heard and perceived is nothing, vain, almost untrue, with a certain consent of conscience. I was then allowed to observe how they emerged from such temptation. In short, I observed that they could not suppose otherwise than that God Messiah permits temptations, which involves, however, that He tempts. 1747, Dec. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 343 (original Latin 1748-1764)

343. Status tentationis et vastationis, quod Deus Messias nullum tentet 1

Ostensum etiam mihi est per vivam experientiam, quomodo tentationes fiunt per cruciatus angustiae internos, et simul dolores interiores, similiter quomodo in eo statu volunt scire, quid credendum, et [quod] semper occurrat id quod ex semet, nempe quod per tentationes aliquid mereri velint, et sic intrare in coelum, praeter alia quae observare non potui; tum qualis eorum cogitatio tunc erat, nempe quod quicquid audiverint et perceperint, nihil sint 1

, vanum, paene non verum, cum quodam conscientiae consensu; ita observare licuit, quomodo inde emergerent; verbo, quod non possint aliter putare, quam quod Deus Messias permittat tentationes, quod involvit tamen, quod tentet. 1747, die 15 Dec.


1. supra hoc caput deletus est lineis transversis titulus: Quod praevidentia et providentia ab aeterno in aeternum, ad finem optimum, sit etiam causa quod omnia

1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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