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《灵界经历》 第344节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 344

344. About Mohammed

A seemingly separate heaven was displayed, where the worshippers of Mohammed were, but there were only spirits there, not angels. Those spirits, when they heard what was being said in this heaven, 1requested that they too might come up and speak. When they came, they spoke so sensibly and prudently, and also with such pleasing ingenuity, that the spirits of the Christians' heaven felt ashamed. Then communication was also opened up, so that they could speak together, and being questioned about Mohammed, they replied that they acknowledged Mohammed, not knowing any better, but that they only wanted to worship the One God creator of heaven and earth.

Then Mohammed, with the wave-like gesture of that heaven, for there were many of them, answered them, saying that he could do nothing from himself, not even speak, but that he realized he had no power from himself, and that there was only one single [God]. This he testified before the spirits, and so he was raised up from there, and he worshipped the Most High God - none other than God the Messiah. 1747, 14 Dec.


1. I.e. the heaven of Christians.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 344


There was represented, as it were, a distinct heaven where the worshippers of Mahomed were - but only spirits were there - not angels. When those spirits heard what was being said in that heaven, they requested that they also might ascend and speak; and having come, they spoke so skillfully and prudently, and with such pleasant adroitness, that the spirits of the heaven of Christians were affected with shame. Communication also was then opened so that they might talk together. When asked about Mahomed, they replied that they had acknowledged Mahomed, not knowing differently, but that they wanted to adore only the one God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Then also Mahomed, with the as it were undulatory motion of that heaven, for there were many, replied to them, that he could do nothing of himself, not even speak, but that he perceived that he had no power of himself and was only a single individual; this he testified before the spirits. So he was raised up thence, and adored the Supreme God, undoubtedly, God Messiah. 1747, Dec. 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 344 (original Latin 1748-1764)

344. De Mahumede

Erat repraesentatum quasi distinctum coelum, ubi cultores Mahumedis essent, sed ibi erant solum spiritus, non autem angeli, spiritus isti, cum audirent quid in hoc coelo diceretur, petierunt, ut etiam ascenderent, ac loquerentur, qui dum venirent 1

, tam scite et prudenter, tum etiam cum solertia amaena loquuti sunt, ut spiritus coeli Christianorum pudore afficerentur, tunc etiam aperta est communicatio, ut simul loqui possent, ac interrogati de Mahumede, ac respondebant quod agnoverint Mahumedem, aliter non scientes, sed quod solum adorare vellent Unum Deum creatorem coeli et terrae; tunc etiam Mahumed cum coeli istius motu quasi undulante, quia multi erant, iis respondebat, quod nihil ex se posset, ne quidem loqui, sed quod perciperet, quod nihil potentiae ex se haberet, et modo esset unicus, quod testatus est coram spiritibus, ita sublatus est inde, et adoravit Supremum Deum, nimirum Deum Messiam. 1747, 14 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has venerent

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