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《灵界经历》 第3435节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3435

3435. His mentor, as he wishes to be called, or preacher, was led into several auras so that the quality of his life could be explored - such as the aura of those who believe there is nothing but evil and uncleanness in man. But he was unable to abide in that aura. Now he is slipping in [the thought] that the Lord bore all evil and uncleanness so that with humanity there is nothing of evil and filth. Whether the Lord Alone is such he does not dare to say, knowing that he is in the other life and that there are spirits present who hear.

[2] Still I see by a spiritual mental image that he thinks it is so, that the Lord Alone is unclean because he took away all uncleanness from the human race, and thus that so He will remain until the last judgment, when He comes into glory, and will then be different; and that He had willed to take on the uncleanness in order to save the human race. He is convinced of this by the fact that the Lord bore all the evils and uncleanness of man. He declares that he knows no otherwise.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3435

3435. This preceptor, as he wishes to be called, or preacher, was led into several spheres, that the quality of his life might be explored, as for instance into the sphere of those who believe there is nothing except evil and pollution in man; but not being able to remain in that sphere, he now insinuates that the Lord took away all evil and pollution, so that with man there is nothing of it left. Whether the Lord alone is [now] such, he does not dare to say, because he knows that he is in the other life, and that spirits are present who hear. I perceive, however, by a spiritual idea, that he thinks the fact to be, that the Lord alone is polluted, because he took away all pollution from the human race, and that thus he will remain till the last judgment, when he comes into glory, when it will be different, and that he chose to assume this pollution in order to save the human race; being thus persuaded from the fact that the Lord bore all the evils and defilements of men. He says that he knows no otherwise.

Experientiae Spirituales 3435 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3435. Praeceptor ejus, sic vult vocari, seu praedicator ductus in aliquot sphaeras, ut exploraretur qualis ejus vita, ut in sphaeram eorum, qui credunt nihil nisi malum et spurcum in homine dare, sed in sphaera ista non esse potuit, nunc insinuat, quod Dominus sustulerit omne malum et spurcum, sic ut apud hominem sit nihil mali et spurci, num Dominus Solus sit talis non audet dicere, quia novit quod sit in altera vita, et quod spiritus praesentes, qui audiunt, percipio usque idea spirituali, quod putet ita esse, quod Solus Dominus sit spurcus, quia abstulit omnem spurcitiem ab humano genere, et sic quod ita permaneat usque ad ultimum judicium, cum venit in gloriam, et quod tunc alius, et quod spurcitiem voluerit habere, ut salvaret genus humanum; ita persuasus ex eo, quod Dominus portaverit omnia mala et spurca hominis; dicit quod aliter non sciat.

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