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《灵界经历》 第3436节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3436

3436. This shows why the good spirits were turned upside down by his conviction, when just the opposite of it is true - namely, that the Lord Alone is life, and the Lord Alone is pure and holy, and all angels, angelic spirits, and spirits and people on earth, however many there may be, are evil and unclean, and can never have any goodness and life except from the Lord; and that evil is spiritual death and goodness is heavenly life, and that from good, truth is heavenly spiritual life.

3436. 1/2. He was also conducted into a different aura, where they believe that there is nothing of life except from the Lord, and there he could not abide, either.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3436

3436. Hence it may appear why the good spirits were inverted, viz. from his persuasion; when the truth is altogether the reverse, and the Lord alone is life, and the Lord alone is pure and holy, and all beings, whether angels, angelic spirits, spirits, or men, how many soever there may be of them, are evil and unclean, and never can have anything of good or of life, except from the Lord: and that evil is spiritual death, and good celestial life, and truth from good life celestial-spiritual.

3436 1/2. He was brought into another sphere, where they believe there is nothing of life but from the Lord; but there he could not abide.

Experientiae Spirituales 3436 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3436. Exinde constare potest, quare inversi sunt spiritus boni, ab ejus persuasione, cum contrarium prorsus sit, quod Dominus Solus vita, et Dominus Solus purus et sanctus, et omnes quotcunque sunt angeli, spiritus angelici, et spiritus et homines mali et spurci [sint], qui nusquam aliquid boni ac vitae habere possunt, quam a Domino; et quod malum sit mors spiritualis, et bonum sit vita coelestis, et a bono verum sit vita coelestis spiritualis.

3436b. Perductus etiam erat in aliam sphaeram, ubi credunt, quod nihil vitae nisi a Domino, nec ibi esse potuit.

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