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《灵界经历》 第3438节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3438

3438. And even if the person is unaware of it, still, in a state of misfortune and temptation, when bodily elements withdraw, matters of faith are recalled by the Lord into the person's mind. It was also first granted to discuss angelic life, as being the life of love and to impart the thought that the life of love is their happiness, so that they feel the happiness of life to consist in doing good; and that this is the nature of heavenly life, and consequently of spiritual life.

[2] It is different when they are people on earth, who are born unclean, having nothing but evil in them; they are brought up in self-love and love of the world, which life cannot be amended and reformed except by means of higher knowledge of truth and goodness, thus by knowledge of faith. For this reason it was imparted to his knowledge that the inner human being consists of understanding and will, and that devoid of understanding one can in no wise be a human being; that man is not born with any understanding, still less any will, but is first introduced into matters of the understanding and then into the understanding of truth and goodness, which pertains to faith and thereby introduced by the Lord into life. In this way one's life becomes that of the Lord, which is the life of love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3438

3438. It was also previously given to speak concerning the angelic life, that it is a life of love, and it was intimated, that a life of love is their felicity, inasmuch as they perceive the felicity of life in doing good; that the celestial life is such, and thence the spiritual. It is otherwise with men, who when born are defiled and are nothing but evil, and are educated in the love of self and the love of the world, and such a life can by no means be amended and reformed, except by the knowledges of truth and good, thus by the knowledges of faith. Wherefore it was insinuated into him, that the internal man consists of understanding and will, and that without understanding there was never a man, and [yet] that man is not born into any understanding, still less into will, but first into intellectuals, and so is inaugurated into the intellectuals of truth and good, which are of faith, and thus by the Lord into life: thus the life becomes [the life] of the Lord, which is the life of love.

Experientiae Spirituales 3438 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3438. homo tunc nescit, usque in statu infortunii et tentationis, cum corporea recedunt, a Domino revocantur ea quae sunt fidei, in mentem ejus; prius etiam loqui datum de vita angelica quod sit vita amoris, et insinuatum quod vita amoris sit felicitas eorum, ut vitae felicitatem percipiant in bonum faciendo: tum quod vita coelestis talis sit, et exinde vita spiritualis; aliter cum homines sunt, qui dum nascuntur spurci sunt et nihil nisi malum in iis, et quod educentur in amore sui et amore mundi, et quod talis vita nequaquam emendari et reformari queat nisi per cognitiones veri et boni, sic per cognitiones fidei, quare ei quoque insinuatum est scire, quod homo internus consistat ex intellectu et voluntate, et quod absque intellectu nusquam sit homo, et quod homo non nascatur in aliquem intellectum, minus in voluntatem, sed prius in intellectualia, ita inaugurantur in intellectualia veri et boni, quae sunt fidei, et sic a Domino in vitam, sic vita fit Domini, quae est vita amoris.

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