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《灵界经历》 第3439节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3439

3439. He was then conducted to him, or to them, whose medium he was, who supposed that faith alone saves without the works of the law, thus to those who are of the opposite conviction, so that I would see how those auras behave upon coming together. In life, both had confessed Lutheranism, but he who supposed that faith alone saves without the works of the law began to be changed by the aura of conviction of the other - first as to the head, which was appearing dimly white - but to become hardly visible. He complained that he could not hold back, perhaps he had also seemed to himself upside down: then seemed to draw away, and his place looked like a fiery glow or like the härlighets skenet 1seen earlier [2053, 3348].


1. Swedish for "the shine of glory."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3439

3439. He was then brought to him - [or to them] - whose subject he was, who thought faith alone without the works of the law to be saving, thus to those were in a contrary persuasion, that I might see how those spheres upon concurrence would be affected. They each confessed themselves to have been in life Lutherans, but he who supposed faith alone without good works to be saving, began, from the sphere of the other's persuasion, to be changed first about the head, which appeared obscurely white; he then became almost invisible, and complained that he could not resist (:perhaps seeming to himself to be only inverted:), then he appeared to recede, and his [vacated] place seemed as a fiery lumen, or as something peculiarly bright.

Experientiae Spirituales 3439 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3439. Perductus dein est ad eum, seu ad eos, cujus subjectum erat, qui putant solam fidem absque operibus legis salvare, sic ad eos, qui in contraria persuasione sunt, ut viderem quomodo se habent sphaerae istae, cum concurrunt, uterque in vita fassi se Lutheranos, sed is qui putabat solam dem absque bonis operibus salvare, incipiebat ab alterius persuasionis sphaera primum quoad caput mutari, quod apparuit obscure candidum, sed inconspicuus fieri, et conquestus quod non resistere posset, forte etiam sibi visus inverti, tunc recedere videbatur, et locus ejus visus sicut lumen igneum, seu ut prius härlighets skenet [cf. 2053, 3[348] .

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