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《灵界经历》 第3441节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3441

3441. It was observed when the conviction of that mentor or preacher was operating in me, that my earlier inner sight of truth and goodness was taken away, so to speak, so that I could only recall outer knowledge, or higher knowledge only outwardly[not feeling] at the time that marriages are so sacred, inviolate and binding. This shows how strongly convictions of some people can operate on those whom they are instructing, thus the conviction of this mentor on his disciple, who was even a king.

It was evident also from him in front of whom he stood, who believed that faith without good works saves, in that he likewise due to the aura of his conviction became about the head like a bright cloud, because the persuasion is so penetrating that he almost would have agreed - for which reason he was moved away - so powerful is the aura of conviction.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3441

3441. It was observed that when the persuasion of that preacher or preceptor operated in me, the perception of truth and good which I formerly had, was, as it were, taken away, so that I could only recur to scientifics, or scientifically to the knowledges of faith, for I did not then perceive that marriages were so holy, inviolate and strict. Hence it may appear how powerfully the persuasions of certain men are able to work upon those whom they instruct, thus of this preceptor upon his disciple, who was, notwithstanding, a king. It appears also from this, that he before whom he stood, and who believed that faith without good works was saving, became himself, from the sphere of the persuasion, [transformed] about the head into a white cloud: for the persuasion penetrated so deeply that he was almost ready to affirm, wherefore he was removed. Such is the power of the sphere of persuasion.

Experientiae Spirituales 3441 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3441. Observatum, cum persuasio praeceptoris seu praedicatoris istius operaretur in me, quod perceptiones veri et boni quasi auferrentur, quae prius, sic ut modo ad scientifica, seu cognitiones fidei scientifice recurrerem; nam [non percepi] tunc, quod conjugia ita sancta, illibata et constricta sint. Inde constare potest, quantum operari queant persuasiones quorundam hominum in eos quos instruunt, ita hujus praeceptoris in suum discipulum, qui fuit usque rex. Constabat etiam ex eo coram quo stetit, qui fidem absque bonis operibus salvare credidit, quod is quoque a sphaera persuasionis ejus quoad caput fieret sicut nubes candida, quia persuasio ita penetrabat, ut fere affirmasset, quare remotus est: talis est vis sphaerae persuasionis.

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